

小型干果分选机关键部件的设计,完整优秀作品哦。。摘 要摘要 随着人口增长以及农用土地面积的减少,农产品的需求量日益剧增。人们对水果的品质也有了更高的要求,为了满足国内外对农产品的需求,干果行业的发展也日趋完善,大都具有完善的生产流程。干果采摘后的第一步工序就是进行干果的分选,分选结果对分选后销售价格及后续加工都有极大的影...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 cnlula 发布


摘   要
摘要  随着人口增长以及农用土地面积的减少,农产品的需求量日益剧增。人们对水果的品质也有了更高的要求,为了满足国内外对农产品的需求,干果行业的发展也日趋完善,大都具有完善的生产流程。干果采摘后的第一步工序就是进行干果的分选,分选结果对分选后销售价格及后续加工都有极大的影响,直接影响其收益效果。以实现机械化分选为出发点,提高分选精度为目标,对影响分选机的因素进行实验研究,找出影响分选精度的主要原因及影响趋势,研究分选机的分选原理,选择较优工作参数,进一步完善分选机的结构设计,提高其工作效率,为行业带来更大的利润。
   以重量分选机为例,重量分选机是以其重量为标准,按照不同的需求进行分类,从而满足消费者不同的需求。按重量进行分选的分选机械早期是利用杠杆原理进行分选的。目前,机械式重量分选机主要有固定衡量秤体、运动输送盘式和固定限位装置、运动衡量秤体式两种机型。近年来,随着计算机和传感技术的迅速发展,电子称重技术及应用有了新的发展。电子称重式分选机一般采用压力传感器称重水果,微机系统对传感器输出信号进行采样、放大、滤波、模数转换、运算和处理,并控制机械执行机构进行分选。而新的技术在现有电子称重式水果分选台的基础上,对其进行了中心研制,将原有的PC机控制替代为单片机控制。 计算机技术、数据处理技术、无损伤检测技术以及自动化控制技术的发展为现代及未来的分级检测技术提供了广阔的空间。
关键词   干果  分选机  分选
A small fruit sorting machine design of key components


Abstract: As the population growth and the loss of agricultural land area, the growing demand for agricultural products. People have higher requirements on fruit quality, in order to meet the demand for agricultural products at home and abroad, the dried fruit industry development is also gradually perfect, has a perfect production process mostly. To dried fruit dried fruit after harvest is the first step in process of separation, the separation results of separation after sales prices and subsequent processing has great influence, directly affect the income effect. In order to realize the mechanization sorting as a starting point, increase the sorting accuracy as the goal, experimental study on the influencing factors of sorting machine, find out the main reason for the influence of separation accuracy and the influence trend of study of separator separation principle, choose the optimal working parameters, to further improve the structure design of separator, to improve the work efficiency and bring more profits for industry.
  Weight sorting machine, for example, weight sorting machine on its weight, classified according to different requirements, so as to meet consumers' different needs. Early separation sorting machine is according to weight using the leverage principle for sorting. At present, the weight of the mechanical separator mainly has fixed scale body, disc and the fixed limit device, movement measuring scale poses two models. In recent years, with the rapid development of computer and sensor technology, electronic weighing technology and application of a new development. Electronic weighing type separator generally USES the pressure sensor weighing fruit, microcomputer system for sensor output signal sampling, amplifying, filtering, modulus conversion, calculation and processing, and controls the mechanical actuators for sorting. And the new technology in the existing electronic weighing type fruit sorting machine, on the basis of research, on the center of the original PC replacement for single chip microcomputer control. Computer technology, data processing technology, non-destructive detection technology and automatic control technology for modern and future classification in the development of detecting technology has provided a broad space.
  Foreign production separator, some companies on the separation detection technology has very mature, high work efficiency, and has the high separation precision, difficult to be used widely in our country. Developed for this type of fruit sorting machine in China is still in its infancy, requires researchers to make full use of overseas research results which have been obtained, the development of separator is suitable for the actual situation in our country.
  Key words: Dried fruit sorting machine sorting