

水温控制系统设计,毕业论文标准word格式排版 共52页 17425字摘要控制技术在现代生活和生产中扮演着越来越重要的角色。为了实现较高精度的水温控制,该设计运用单片机89c51为控制核心、开关控制以及利用组态软件相结合的方法来实现水温控制。该系统以锅炉水温作为被控制对象,运用热电阻测量锅炉水温,经放大后送入adc0809将测量得到的模...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布

毕业论文标准WORD格式排版 共52页 17425字

摘 要


关键词 89C51, ADC0809, 组态软件MCGS


Control a technique to play a more and more important role in the modern the life and the industry. For carrying out the water temperature control of the higher accuracy, should design to make use of a single slice the machine 89 C51s to carry out the electronics of the water temperature control to equip for the method that controls the core, switch control and makes use of the monitor and control generated system to combine. That system makes use of the hot electric resistance diagraph boiler water temperature, sending to the temperature that will measure into the ADC0809 to imitate the quantity conversion to send to go into to the single slice the machine 89 C51s for the numerical quantity after enlarge medium, make use of the 89 C51 rightness temperatures to carry on calculation and processing. That system will measure a result to send to a manifestation to hold a manifestation in the meantime. That system again according to after the processing of result to control to break to control the electric stove heating and the electromagnetism valve to open to break with this after of the electric appliances, attain water temperature of control the boiler then. Control to appear an excrescent circumstance in the process, sound and light's reporting to the police a machine will send out to report to the police signal according to the circumstance. The correspondence of that system is to make use of the monitor and control generated system single slice the machine and the place of honor machine connect with each other, attaining the purpose of the long range control water temperature. The characteristic of that system is the electric circuit is simple, the procedure is brief, the system credibility is high.

Keyword 89 C51, ADC0809, Monitor and Control Generated System

目 录
摘 要 I
绪 论 1
1 方案论证 2
2 微处理器89C51 4
2.1 89C51的外部引脚 4
2.2 89C51的内部结构 5
3 A/D转换器0809 8
3.1 主要性能 8
3.2 ADC0809芯片组成原理 9
3.3 ADC0809引脚功能 9
3.4 ADC0809与89C51的硬件接口 10
4 声光报警和K型热电偶放大电路 12
5 键盘设计 13
5.1 键盘接口的输入和去抖动 13
5.2 独立式键盘及其接口 13
5.3 行列式非编码键盘及其接口 14
5.3.1 程序扫描方式 14
5.3.2 定时扫描方式 15
5.3.3 中断扫描方式 16
6 89C51与继电器连接电路 17
7 LED显示 18
7.1 LED显示驱动器MC14489 18
7.1.1 硬件结构 18
7.1.2 工作原理 19
7.1.3 MC14489与单片机的接口 21
8 串行通信接口选择 22
8.1 RS—232C接口 22
8.1.1 电气特性 22
8.1.2 电平转换 23
8.2 RS—422A接口 24
8.2.1 电气特性 24
8.2.2 电平转换 24
8.3 RS—485接口 26
8.3.1 电气特性 26
8.3.2 电平转换 26
9 MCGS组态软件 29
9.1 MCGS组态软件的功能和特点 29
9.2 MCGS组态软件的整体结构 31
9.2.1 MCGS工程的五大部分 31
9.3 MCGS组态软件的工作方式 32
10 系统软件设计 34
10.1 系统软件设计总流程图 34
10.2 声光报警与水温控制流程图 35
10.3 键盘设定温度流程图 36
结 论 37
附录A:系统电路总图 38
附录B:系统程序清单 39
参考文献 46
致 谢 47