钻床的自动化改造及进给系统设计,字数:20406页码:45含有钻床的plc控制及电器接线图.dwg和钻床装配图.dwg 摘 要 本文主要介绍了台式钻床的改造和设计,通过导入液压进给系统和plc控制系统将台式钻床改造为自动钻床,并可通过plc实现自动控制。 设计过程按照机床的一般设计步骤先进行总体方案的确定...
原文档由会员 5315385liang 发布
摘 要
This thesis mainly illustrates the improving and design of Bench-type drilling machine. We change the Bench-type drilling machine to automatic drilling machine by transmitting into hydraulic system and PLC control system, the automatic drilling machine can be controlled by PLC.
We ascertain the entire scheme by the general machine design steps in the design process, and then separately design the feed system、drives system and control system.
The purpose of this design as below: By transmitting into hydraulic system and PLC control system, the automatic drilling machine c the system of the automatic drilling machine can work reposefully and satisfy the require; the spent of design is economic.
The important parts of the thesis are the design of hydraulic feeds system and PLC control system. The design of feed hydraulic system includes the designs of hydraulic tanks structure and control; the design of PLC control system is choosing the electrical components and programming control program to controlling the automatic drilling machine according to the requirements of work and control.
The Bench-type drilling machine improved can be controlled automatically. It is a typical machine of Mechatronics. Key words: automatic drilling machine; hydrauli; PLC
第一章 绪 论 7
1.1 问题分析及其对策 7
1.2 本文研究的内容及目标 7
1.3 本章小结 8
第二章 自动钻床的总体方案设计 10
2.1 自动专用钻床已知条件和设计要求的概述 10
2.2 自动钻床的工艺路线分析与确定 10
2.3 执行系统的方案设计 11
2.4 传动系统方案设计和原动机选择 13
2.5 控制方案设计 13
2.6 总体布局设计 14
2.7 本章小结 14
第三章 专用钻床进给系统的设计 15
3.1 进给系统概述与分析 15
3.2 进给系统方案图的确定 16
3.3 工况分析 16
3.4 切削力的计算 17
3.5 钻床主轴设计 19
3.6 进给液压系统设计 22
3.7 本章小结 32
第四章 专用钻床主轴传动系统的设计 33
4.1 主轴传动系统的分析 33
4.2 主轴花键的设计 33
4.3 主轴电机选择 33
4.4 V带传动设计 34
4.5 本章小结 35
第五章 自动钻出控制系统的设计 ............................ 36
5.1 自动钻床的自动化控制要求 36
5.2 可编程控制器PLC的简述 36
5.3 自动钻床进给系统控制流程 37
5.4 自动钻床进给系统电气原理图 39
5.5 自动钻床进给系统控制元件的选择 40
5.6 控制系统程序的编写 42
5.7 本章小结 42
第六章 设计总结 43
致谢 44
参考文献 45
摘 要
This thesis mainly illustrates the improving and design of Bench-type drilling machine. We change the Bench-type drilling machine to automatic drilling machine by transmitting into hydraulic system and PLC control system, the automatic drilling machine can be controlled by PLC.
We ascertain the entire scheme by the general machine design steps in the design process, and then separately design the feed system、drives system and control system.
The purpose of this design as below: By transmitting into hydraulic system and PLC control system, the automatic drilling machine c the system of the automatic drilling machine can work reposefully and satisfy the require; the spent of design is economic.
The important parts of the thesis are the design of hydraulic feeds system and PLC control system. The design of feed hydraulic system includes the designs of hydraulic tanks structure and control; the design of PLC control system is choosing the electrical components and programming control program to controlling the automatic drilling machine according to the requirements of work and control.
The Bench-type drilling machine improved can be controlled automatically. It is a typical machine of Mechatronics. Key words: automatic drilling machine; hydrauli; PLC
第一章 绪 论 7
1.1 问题分析及其对策 7
1.2 本文研究的内容及目标 7
1.3 本章小结 8
第二章 自动钻床的总体方案设计 10
2.1 自动专用钻床已知条件和设计要求的概述 10
2.2 自动钻床的工艺路线分析与确定 10
2.3 执行系统的方案设计 11
2.4 传动系统方案设计和原动机选择 13
2.5 控制方案设计 13
2.6 总体布局设计 14
2.7 本章小结 14
第三章 专用钻床进给系统的设计 15
3.1 进给系统概述与分析 15
3.2 进给系统方案图的确定 16
3.3 工况分析 16
3.4 切削力的计算 17
3.5 钻床主轴设计 19
3.6 进给液压系统设计 22
3.7 本章小结 32
第四章 专用钻床主轴传动系统的设计 33
4.1 主轴传动系统的分析 33
4.2 主轴花键的设计 33
4.3 主轴电机选择 33
4.4 V带传动设计 34
4.5 本章小结 35
第五章 自动钻出控制系统的设计 ............................ 36
5.1 自动钻床的自动化控制要求 36
5.2 可编程控制器PLC的简述 36
5.3 自动钻床进给系统控制流程 37
5.4 自动钻床进给系统电气原理图 39
5.5 自动钻床进给系统控制元件的选择 40
5.6 控制系统程序的编写 42
5.7 本章小结 42
第六章 设计总结 43
致谢 44
参考文献 45
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