ad_da转换器的设计及matlab仿真实现,ad_da转换器的设计及matlab仿真实现摘 要 随着科学技术,特别是数字电子技术的迅速发展,使电子计算机从纯计算机工具发展成为复杂的自动控制系统的可信组成部分,依靠它对复杂的科学实验、生产过程实行自动监视、检测及闭环控制。这样,就完全需要数学系统来处理模拟信号,这种信号处理包括两方面的内容,一方面要将模拟信号转...

此文档由会员 高端论文 发布
摘 要
With the rapid development of the science and technology, especially the digital electronic technology, the computer has evolved into the available part of the complex automatic control system from pure computer tool, and carried out the automatic monitoring, inspecting and closed-loop control by depending on its complex scientific experiment and production process. In this way, it completely needs math system to deal with analog signals. This kind of signal processing includes two aspects: on the one hand, transform the analog signals to the corresponding digital signals, in order to input the digital systems (such as the electronic computer) to perform arithmetic or logical operations; on the other hand, we often still need to convert the digital signals after the digital system handling into the corresponding analog signals as the final output, to control or drive the actuators' execution.
The physical energy exists in nature, as for its forms, can be divided into two kinds: the analogue and digita. The orms of analogue is continuous, and the manifestation of the digita is discontinuous (discrete). Here there are two meanings about continuity:it is continuous and changeable with the time change , and its data is also continuous and changeable. The most physical energy in nature is the continuous and changeable analog energy. For example: voltage, current, time, frequency, temperature, pressure, velocity, flow and so on. Besides, various non-powers through the sensor into a voltage or current are continuously variable analogue. The digita does not have this continuous and changeable characteristics and its numerical only increase or decrease one by one unit. For example, the rays’ particle counts radiated by radioactive isotopes substances, the population number and so on, they are the specific examples. In addition, the transistor's conduction and cut off, on and off of the switch also can be considered as a kind of digita.
As electronic computing and digital system wide application in various fields, it needs to convert the analog energy into digital energy, because only the digital energy can be identified by computer or digital system. On the other hand, in many cases, the numerical results finally out from the system still need to convert into the analog energy, in order to carry out control through the actuators, or make the necessary adjustment. Therefore, it requires the analogue and digita can convert one to another.
Key words: D/A converter; Precision resistor network; Solve time
目 录
引 论 1
1 AD/DA转换器的相关介绍 1
1.1 AD/DA转换技术的发展 1
1.2 A/D转换器 1
1.3 D/A转换器 3
2 A/D转换器 5
2.1 A/D 转换器 5
2.2 并行比较型A/D转换器 6
2.3 逐位逼近型A/D转换器 7
3 D/A转换器 11
3.1 D/A转换器的基本原理 11
3.2 D/A转化器的分类 12
4 AD/DA转换器的MATLAB实现 17
4.1 MATLAB的介绍 17
4.2 A/D和D/A转换器的MATLAB实现 18
结 语 23
主要参考文献 24
附录 25
附录一A/D转换器的MATLAB实现程序及运行结果 25
附录二D/A转换器的MATLAB实现程序及运行结果 28 -..
摘 要
With the rapid development of the science and technology, especially the digital electronic technology, the computer has evolved into the available part of the complex automatic control system from pure computer tool, and carried out the automatic monitoring, inspecting and closed-loop control by depending on its complex scientific experiment and production process. In this way, it completely needs math system to deal with analog signals. This kind of signal processing includes two aspects: on the one hand, transform the analog signals to the corresponding digital signals, in order to input the digital systems (such as the electronic computer) to perform arithmetic or logical operations; on the other hand, we often still need to convert the digital signals after the digital system handling into the corresponding analog signals as the final output, to control or drive the actuators' execution.
The physical energy exists in nature, as for its forms, can be divided into two kinds: the analogue and digita. The orms of analogue is continuous, and the manifestation of the digita is discontinuous (discrete). Here there are two meanings about continuity:it is continuous and changeable with the time change , and its data is also continuous and changeable. The most physical energy in nature is the continuous and changeable analog energy. For example: voltage, current, time, frequency, temperature, pressure, velocity, flow and so on. Besides, various non-powers through the sensor into a voltage or current are continuously variable analogue. The digita does not have this continuous and changeable characteristics and its numerical only increase or decrease one by one unit. For example, the rays’ particle counts radiated by radioactive isotopes substances, the population number and so on, they are the specific examples. In addition, the transistor's conduction and cut off, on and off of the switch also can be considered as a kind of digita.
As electronic computing and digital system wide application in various fields, it needs to convert the analog energy into digital energy, because only the digital energy can be identified by computer or digital system. On the other hand, in many cases, the numerical results finally out from the system still need to convert into the analog energy, in order to carry out control through the actuators, or make the necessary adjustment. Therefore, it requires the analogue and digita can convert one to another.
Key words: D/A converter; Precision resistor network; Solve time
目 录
引 论 1
1 AD/DA转换器的相关介绍 1
1.1 AD/DA转换技术的发展 1
1.2 A/D转换器 1
1.3 D/A转换器 3
2 A/D转换器 5
2.1 A/D 转换器 5
2.2 并行比较型A/D转换器 6
2.3 逐位逼近型A/D转换器 7
3 D/A转换器 11
3.1 D/A转换器的基本原理 11
3.2 D/A转化器的分类 12
4 AD/DA转换器的MATLAB实现 17
4.1 MATLAB的介绍 17
4.2 A/D和D/A转换器的MATLAB实现 18
结 语 23
主要参考文献 24
附录 25
附录一A/D转换器的MATLAB实现程序及运行结果 25
附录二D/A转换器的MATLAB实现程序及运行结果 28 -..