dc-dc开关电源,摘要 本文首先归纳了文献中提到的几种三电平直流变换器,从中总结出了一种三电平拓扑的基本变换方法,应用这种基本方法及其改进方法得到了其它一些直流变换器的三电平拓扑,对基本方法进行改进,提出了适合6种单管直流变换器的三电平拓扑变换方法,成功地得到了其三电平拓扑,开关管的电压应力降为原来的一半;经过对这些三电平拓扑控制策...

此文档由会员 高端论文 发布
Several TL converters are classified from papers of recent years, the basic method of TL topology derivation is obtained, which can be used to deduce the other kinds of TL topologies. Using the modified method, 6 kinds of TL topologies of single-switch converter are obtained. The deep research reveals that these TL topologies can have less value of the inductor by using interleaving modulation strategy compared with conventional modulation strategy on the condition that the current ripple of the inductor are the same.
This paper proposes a Buck Three-Level (TL) converter, the voltage stress of the switches is the half of the input voltage. Employing interleaving control, the output filter can be significantly reduced. The operation principle of the Buck TL converter is analyzed in details. The characteristics of output-input of the Buck TL converter are derived and the filter parameter design is discussed.
Keywords:Three-level converter,;Buck-TL;interleaving technique;Pspice simulation
目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 DC-DC 开关电源的发展方向 1
1.2 TL变换器的提出、推导及国内外研究现状和发展趋势 4
1.3研究目的、内容及意义 5
1.4 本章小结 6
第2章 开关电源原理分析 7
2.1 DC-DC变换器拓扑结构 7
2.2 三电平变换器的推导 11
2.3 本章小结 17
第3章 DC-DC变换器Buck-TL电路工作原理 18
3.1电路拓扑 18
3.2电感电流连续时Buck-TL 变换器的工作原理和基本关系 18
3.3电感电流断续时Buck-TL 变换器的工作原理和基本关系 23
3.4 Buck-TL 变换器外部特性 26
3.5 Buck-TL 变换器的优点 29
3.6 本章小结 32
第4章 DC-DC变换器Buck-TL电路的仿真研究 33
4.1 主电路设计及控制电路的组成 33
4.2 DC-DC变换器Buck-TL电路负载电压和电感电流仿真波形 34
4.3 DC-DC变换器Buck-TL电路输入输出电压仿真波形 36
4.4 DC-DC变换器Buck-TL电路其他仿真波形 37
4.5 本章小结 38
结论 39
参考文献 40
致谢 41
Several TL converters are classified from papers of recent years, the basic method of TL topology derivation is obtained, which can be used to deduce the other kinds of TL topologies. Using the modified method, 6 kinds of TL topologies of single-switch converter are obtained. The deep research reveals that these TL topologies can have less value of the inductor by using interleaving modulation strategy compared with conventional modulation strategy on the condition that the current ripple of the inductor are the same.
This paper proposes a Buck Three-Level (TL) converter, the voltage stress of the switches is the half of the input voltage. Employing interleaving control, the output filter can be significantly reduced. The operation principle of the Buck TL converter is analyzed in details. The characteristics of output-input of the Buck TL converter are derived and the filter parameter design is discussed.
Keywords:Three-level converter,;Buck-TL;interleaving technique;Pspice simulation
目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 DC-DC 开关电源的发展方向 1
1.2 TL变换器的提出、推导及国内外研究现状和发展趋势 4
1.3研究目的、内容及意义 5
1.4 本章小结 6
第2章 开关电源原理分析 7
2.1 DC-DC变换器拓扑结构 7
2.2 三电平变换器的推导 11
2.3 本章小结 17
第3章 DC-DC变换器Buck-TL电路工作原理 18
3.1电路拓扑 18
3.2电感电流连续时Buck-TL 变换器的工作原理和基本关系 18
3.3电感电流断续时Buck-TL 变换器的工作原理和基本关系 23
3.4 Buck-TL 变换器外部特性 26
3.5 Buck-TL 变换器的优点 29
3.6 本章小结 32
第4章 DC-DC变换器Buck-TL电路的仿真研究 33
4.1 主电路设计及控制电路的组成 33
4.2 DC-DC变换器Buck-TL电路负载电压和电感电流仿真波形 34
4.3 DC-DC变换器Buck-TL电路输入输出电压仿真波形 36
4.4 DC-DC变换器Buck-TL电路其他仿真波形 37
4.5 本章小结 38
结论 39
参考文献 40
致谢 41