一种自适应调制v-blast系统的功率受限分配算法,一种自适应调制v-blast系统的功率受限分配算法全文3000字论述翔实摘要: 提出了一种自适应调制垂直-贝尔实验室分层空时结构(v-blast)系统的低复杂度比特、功率分配算法,满足总平均功率和单根发射天线峰值功率受限条件下使比特率最大化。该算法可以达到与比特递增分配算法相同的最优分配结果,而计算量大幅度降低。仿真结...
此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布
全文3000字 论述翔实
摘要: 提出了一种自适应调制垂直-贝尔实验室分层空时结构(V-BLAST)系统的低复杂度比特、功率分配算法,满足总平均功率和单根发射天线峰值功率受限条件下使比特率最大化。该算法可以达到与比特递增分配算法相同的最优分配结果,而计算量大幅度降低。仿真结果表明,在满足目标误码率条件下单天线功率限制会使比特率降低。
关 键 词: 垂直-贝尔实验室分层空时结构,自适应调制,分配算法,功率受限
A Loading Algorithm with Power Constraints in Adaptive Modulation for V-BLAST Systems
SONG Yang1, CHANG Yong-yu1, ZHANG Xin1,2, YANG Da-cheng1
(1. School of Telecommunication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Mobile Communications, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)
Abstract: A bit loading and power allocation algorithm with low complexity in adaptive modulation for vertical-Bell laboratory layered space-time systems was proposed to implement the rate maximization, satisfying peak power constraint on each antenna as well as the average total power limit. The proposed algorithm is of the same optimal allocation as the incremental algorithm while the computation complexity declines significantly. The simulation results show that the limitation of per-antenna peak power will decrease the bit rate under the target bit error rate.
Key words: vertical-Bell laboratory layered space-time; adaptive modulation; loading algorithm; power constraint
图3 误码率性能
图4 系统比特率
图5 总平均功率分布
[1] 张平. Beyond 3G移动通信系统关键技术[J]. 北京邮电大学学报, 2002, 25(3): 1-6.
Zhang Ping. Some research issues for beyond 3G mobile systems[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2002, 25(3): 1-6.
[2] Kim Y D, Kim I, Choi J, et al. Adaptive modulation for MIMO systems with V-BLAST detection[C]// VTC 2003-Spring. Jeju:[s.n.], 2003: 1074-1078.
[3] Choi W J, Cheong K W, Cioffi J M. Adaptive modulation with limited peak power for fading channels[C]// VTC 2000-Spring. Tokyo: IEEE Press , 2000: 2568-2572.
[4] Krongold B S, Ramchandran K, Jones D L. Computationally efficient optimal power allocation algorithms for multicarrier communication systems[J]. IEEE Trans on Commun, 2000, 48: 23-27.
[5] Wyglinski A M,Labeau F,Kabal P. An efficient bit allocation algorithm for multicarrier modulation[C]// WCNC 2004. Atlanta: GA, 2004: 1194-1199.
[6] 陶小峰, 秦海燕, 温蕾,等. 频率选择性信道下V-BLAST信道矩阵的建模[J]. 北京邮电大学学报, 2004, 27(2): 84-87.
Tao Xiaofeng, Qin Haiyan, Wen Lei, et al. Channel modeling of layered space-time code under frequency-selective fading channel[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2004, 27(2): 84-87.
[7] Nam S H, Shin O S, Lee K B. Transmit power allocation for a modified V-BLAST system[J]. IEEE Trans on Commun, 2004, 52(7): 1074-1079.
全文3000字 论述翔实
摘要: 提出了一种自适应调制垂直-贝尔实验室分层空时结构(V-BLAST)系统的低复杂度比特、功率分配算法,满足总平均功率和单根发射天线峰值功率受限条件下使比特率最大化。该算法可以达到与比特递增分配算法相同的最优分配结果,而计算量大幅度降低。仿真结果表明,在满足目标误码率条件下单天线功率限制会使比特率降低。
关 键 词: 垂直-贝尔实验室分层空时结构,自适应调制,分配算法,功率受限
A Loading Algorithm with Power Constraints in Adaptive Modulation for V-BLAST Systems
SONG Yang1, CHANG Yong-yu1, ZHANG Xin1,2, YANG Da-cheng1
(1. School of Telecommunication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Mobile Communications, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)
Abstract: A bit loading and power allocation algorithm with low complexity in adaptive modulation for vertical-Bell laboratory layered space-time systems was proposed to implement the rate maximization, satisfying peak power constraint on each antenna as well as the average total power limit. The proposed algorithm is of the same optimal allocation as the incremental algorithm while the computation complexity declines significantly. The simulation results show that the limitation of per-antenna peak power will decrease the bit rate under the target bit error rate.
Key words: vertical-Bell laboratory layered space-time; adaptive modulation; loading algorithm; power constraint
图3 误码率性能
图4 系统比特率
图5 总平均功率分布
[1] 张平. Beyond 3G移动通信系统关键技术[J]. 北京邮电大学学报, 2002, 25(3): 1-6.
Zhang Ping. Some research issues for beyond 3G mobile systems[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2002, 25(3): 1-6.
[2] Kim Y D, Kim I, Choi J, et al. Adaptive modulation for MIMO systems with V-BLAST detection[C]// VTC 2003-Spring. Jeju:[s.n.], 2003: 1074-1078.
[3] Choi W J, Cheong K W, Cioffi J M. Adaptive modulation with limited peak power for fading channels[C]// VTC 2000-Spring. Tokyo: IEEE Press , 2000: 2568-2572.
[4] Krongold B S, Ramchandran K, Jones D L. Computationally efficient optimal power allocation algorithms for multicarrier communication systems[J]. IEEE Trans on Commun, 2000, 48: 23-27.
[5] Wyglinski A M,Labeau F,Kabal P. An efficient bit allocation algorithm for multicarrier modulation[C]// WCNC 2004. Atlanta: GA, 2004: 1194-1199.
[6] 陶小峰, 秦海燕, 温蕾,等. 频率选择性信道下V-BLAST信道矩阵的建模[J]. 北京邮电大学学报, 2004, 27(2): 84-87.
Tao Xiaofeng, Qin Haiyan, Wen Lei, et al. Channel modeling of layered space-time code under frequency-selective fading channel[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2004, 27(2): 84-87.
[7] Nam S H, Shin O S, Lee K B. Transmit power allocation for a modified V-BLAST system[J]. IEEE Trans on Commun, 2004, 52(7): 1074-1079.
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