简述信息管理风云人物马云,信息管理风云人物马云全文约7100字论述翔实目录第一章马云和他的阿里巴巴 第一节马云简介2 第二节阿里巴巴的初步发展3第二章 “狂人”领导下的阿里巴巴的“疯狂”发展 第一节破釜沉舟押宝搜索 雅虎中国复制google4 第二节整合策略第一招挑起搜索人才大战5 第三节马云发誓五年内击败google5第三章关于马云 第一节马...
此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布
全文约7100字 论述翔实
目 录
第一章 马云和他的阿里巴巴
第一节 马云简介…………………………………………2
第二节 阿里巴巴的初步发展……………………………3
第二章 “狂人”领导下的阿里巴巴的“疯狂”发展
第一节 破釜沉舟押宝搜索 雅虎中国复制Google……4
第二节 整合策略第一招 挑起搜索人才大战…………5
第三节 马云发誓五年内击败Google……………………5
第三章 关于马云
第一节 马云的自我认识:做好公司“守门员”…………6
Abstract: Ma Yun is most as early as applies in the Chinese development electronic commerce and perseveres in the Internet domain entrepreneur, he and his team created the Chinese Internet commerce to be multitudinous first, was the "Chinese must be the business model ideal which in the world best stand" and originally created and the emperor does the family. Since he continuously in the Internet commerce domain rich creativity concept and the work, has enriched global and the Chinese merchant's commercial content and the behavior, and has contributed a section classical stand in 20 century's ends for the global merchant: alibaba
Key word: Information management electronic commerce alibaba
全文约7100字 论述翔实
目 录
第一章 马云和他的阿里巴巴
第一节 马云简介…………………………………………2
第二节 阿里巴巴的初步发展……………………………3
第二章 “狂人”领导下的阿里巴巴的“疯狂”发展
第一节 破釜沉舟押宝搜索 雅虎中国复制Google……4
第二节 整合策略第一招 挑起搜索人才大战…………5
第三节 马云发誓五年内击败Google……………………5
第三章 关于马云
第一节 马云的自我认识:做好公司“守门员”…………6
Abstract: Ma Yun is most as early as applies in the Chinese development electronic commerce and perseveres in the Internet domain entrepreneur, he and his team created the Chinese Internet commerce to be multitudinous first, was the "Chinese must be the business model ideal which in the world best stand" and originally created and the emperor does the family. Since he continuously in the Internet commerce domain rich creativity concept and the work, has enriched global and the Chinese merchant's commercial content and the behavior, and has contributed a section classical stand in 20 century's ends for the global merchant: alibaba
Key word: Information management electronic commerce alibaba
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