直接数字频率合成器毕业设计,论文标准word格式排版 共38页 14379字摘要技术的实现依赖于高速、高性能的数字器件,选用现场可编程器件fpga作为目标器件,可利用其高速、高性能及可重构性,根据需要方便地实现各种比较复杂的调频、调相和调幅功能。本设计给出了基于fpga芯片的直接数字频率合成器(dds)的设计方法。因为微电子技术的不断发展,开发者...
此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
论文标准WORD格式排版 共38页 14379字
摘 要
关键词 :直接数字频率合成器,现场可编程门阵列(FPGA),相位累加器,数/模转换器,凌阳单片机
The realization of technology depends on the high-speed , high-performance digital device, select to use on-the-spot programming device FPGA as the goal device, it can utilize its high speed , high performance and can reconstructing,it last various complicated frequency modulation, last looks and amplitude modulation function according to need conveniently. Originally design the design method to provide direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDS ) based on FPGA chip. Because of the constant development of the microelectric technique, the developer can employ the system to realize in a slice of FPGA entirely very much easily , thus it is systematic (SoC ) to realize on slice. So realize with FPGA DDS have extensive realistic meaning , and have good practicability in the modern communication systems.
Originally design on the basis of introduction DDS operation principle, use EDA technology , use FPGA to realize one DDS, frequency control word and phase place control word finish by Ling Yang one-chip computer.
Keywords: Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer, FPGA, Phase Addition, DAC,SPCE061A.
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
1 绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2发展方向 1
2 方案设计与论证 2
2.1方案设计 2
2.2方案论证 2
3 模组简介 4
3.1 凌阳单片机介绍 4
3.1 .1凌阳单片机61板简介 4
3.1.2 SPCE061A单片机简介 5
3.2.现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)简介 8
3.3 VHDL简介 9
3.3.1概述 9
3.3.2 HDL的种类 10
3.3.3 VHDL语言开发环境和硬件平台 11
3.3.4 VHDL 程序结构 11
3.4DAC 0832及应用 12
3.4.1 DAC的内部结构 12
3.4.2 DAC 0832的基本工作方式 13
3.5滤波电路 15
3.5.1、初步定义 15
3.5.2、有源滤波电路的分类 15
3.5.3、一阶有源滤波电路 16
3.5.4、二阶有源滤波电路 17
3.6 DSP简介 18
4 DDS的工作原理 20
4.1 DDS基本原理 20
4.2 DDS的FPGA实现设计 20
5 系统软件设计23
5.1系统控制部分 23
5.2 按键控制部份 27
5.3 调试 28
6 结论 30
参考文献 31
附录: 部分元器件清单 32
致 谢 33
摘 要
关键词 :直接数字频率合成器,现场可编程门阵列(FPGA),相位累加器,数/模转换器,凌阳单片机
The realization of technology depends on the high-speed , high-performance digital device, select to use on-the-spot programming device FPGA as the goal device, it can utilize its high speed , high performance and can reconstructing,it last various complicated frequency modulation, last looks and amplitude modulation function according to need conveniently. Originally design the design method to provide direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDS ) based on FPGA chip. Because of the constant development of the microelectric technique, the developer can employ the system to realize in a slice of FPGA entirely very much easily , thus it is systematic (SoC ) to realize on slice. So realize with FPGA DDS have extensive realistic meaning , and have good practicability in the modern communication systems.
Originally design on the basis of introduction DDS operation principle, use EDA technology , use FPGA to realize one DDS, frequency control word and phase place control word finish by Ling Yang one-chip computer.
Keywords: Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer, FPGA, Phase Addition, DAC,SPCE061A.
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
1 绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2发展方向 1
2 方案设计与论证 2
2.1方案设计 2
2.2方案论证 2
3 模组简介 4
3.1 凌阳单片机介绍 4
3.1 .1凌阳单片机61板简介 4
3.1.2 SPCE061A单片机简介 5
3.2.现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)简介 8
3.3 VHDL简介 9
3.3.1概述 9
3.3.2 HDL的种类 10
3.3.3 VHDL语言开发环境和硬件平台 11
3.3.4 VHDL 程序结构 11
3.4DAC 0832及应用 12
3.4.1 DAC的内部结构 12
3.4.2 DAC 0832的基本工作方式 13
3.5滤波电路 15
3.5.1、初步定义 15
3.5.2、有源滤波电路的分类 15
3.5.3、一阶有源滤波电路 16
3.5.4、二阶有源滤波电路 17
3.6 DSP简介 18
4 DDS的工作原理 20
4.1 DDS基本原理 20
4.2 DDS的FPGA实现设计 20
5 系统软件设计23
5.1系统控制部分 23
5.2 按键控制部份 27
5.3 调试 28
6 结论 30
参考文献 31
附录: 部分元器件清单 32
致 谢 33