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¹Ø¼ü×Ö£ºWin32 API,Îļþ´«Ê䣬´®¿ÚͨÐÅ£¬MSComm¿Ø¼þ£¬VC++
This graduation design is developed with VC++ in Windows system, the main content is file transfer system based on Serial port. In the design process, we made the following aspects: First, to present the prospects for Serial port communications applications, a summation of the engineering significance; Secondly, to present the Win32 API function and MSComm controls; Again, to present the practical and the worth of scheme, and Serial port communications features in the application and development skills in specific areas to be describe; Finally, to give the code of current design for the reader reference.
Serial port communication have broad applications in various fields .We can understand the basic principles of Serial port communication in engineering applications and communications products ,and master the development tools VC++ through this design.
Keywords: Win32 API,File Transfer, Serial port communications, MSComm, VC++
ÕªÒª 1
µÚÒ»Õ Ð÷ÂÛ 4
1.1±¾´Î±ÏÒµÉè¼ÆµÄÑ¡Ìâ±³¾°ºÍÓ¦ÓÃÇ°¾° 4
1.2 Windowsƽ̨ϲÙ×÷ϵͳ¶Ô´®¿ÚµÄ¹ÜÀí 8
1.2.1 VC++ÖжԶàÏ̵߳ÄÖ§³Ö 8
1.2.2¶àÏß³ÌÔÚ´®¿ÚͨÐÅÖеÄÓ¦Óà 9
1.2.3 ´®¿ÚͨÐŵÄÖصþI/O·½Ê½ 10
1.3»ùÓÚ´®¿ÚµÄÎļþ´«ÊäϵͳÉè¼ÆµÄÖ÷ÒªÄÚÈÝ 10
1.4 ÂÛÎÄ£¨Éè¼Æ£©µÄÕûÌå½á¹¹ 10
µÚ¶þÕ ´®¿ÚͨÐųÌÐò¿ª·¢»ù´¡ÖªÊ¶ 11
2.1 ´®¿ÚͨПÅÊö 11
2.2 ´®ÐÐͨÐÅ»ù´¡ÖªÊ¶ 12
2.2.1 ´®ÐÐͨÐŵÄÓŵã 12
2.2.2 ´®ÐÐͨÐŹ¤×÷·½Ê½ 13
2.2.3 ´®ÐÐͨÐżì´íÓë¾À´í 14
2.2.4 ´®ÐÐͨÐŵÄËÙÂÊÓë´«Êä¾àÀë 14
2.2.5 ´®ÐÐͨÐÅÐÒé 15
2.2.6 ´®¿ÚͨÐŹ¤×÷ÔÀí 16
2.3 ±¾ÕÂС½á 18
µÚÈýÕ ´®¿ÚÔÚͨÐŲúÆ·ÖеÄÓ¦Óü°¿ª·¢´®¿Ú³ÌÐòµÄ·½·¨ 19
3.1 ´®¿ÚÔÚ¸÷ÖÖͨÐŲúÆ·ÖеŦÄÜ 19
3.1.1 ´®¿ÚÔÚµ¥Æ¬»úÖеÄÓ¦Óà 19
3.1.2 ÉÏλ»úÓëPLCÀûÓô®¿ÚͨÐÅ 21
3.1.3 ´®¿ÚÔÚMODEMÖеÄÓ¦Óà 21
3.2 ÀûÓÃVC++¿ª·¢´®¿ÚͨÐųÌÐòµÄ·½·¨ºÍÌصã 22
3.2.1 MSComm¿Ø¼þ½éÉÜ 23
3.2.2 WindowsµÄAPIº¯Êý½éÉÜ 36
3.3 ±¾ÕÂС½á 43
µÚËÄÕ ±¾´ÎÎļþ´«ÊäϵͳÉè¼Æ·½°¸ 44
4.1 ͨÐÅÐÒé·ÖÎö 44
4.1.1 ͨÐÅÁ÷³Ì 44
4.1.2 Êý¾Ý°ü¸ñʽ 45
4.2 ͨÐÅʵÏÖ˼· 46
4.2.1 ͨÐÅʼþµÄ´¦Àí·½·¨ 47
4.2.2 ¸÷ÖÖ²Ù×÷״̬µÄº¬Òå 49
4.3 ½çÃæÉè¼Æ 50
4.3.1 Ö÷½çÃæÉè¼Æ 51
4.3.2 ²ÎÊýÉèÖöԻ°¿òÉè¼Æ 53
4.4 ³ÌÐòÁ÷³ÌͼÉè¼Æ 54
4.4.1 ·¢ËͲÙ×÷¸÷̬Á÷³Ìͼ 54
4.4.2 ½ÓÊÕ²Ù×÷¸÷̬Á÷³Ìͼ 57
4.5 ´®¿ÚÏÂÎļþ´«ÊäµÄÌصã 59
4.5.1 ͨÐŹ¤×÷·½Ê½ 59
4.5.2 Ë«»ú¼ä´®¿ÚͨÐÅ·½Ê½±È½Ï 60
4.6 Îļþ´«ÊäϵͳÉè¼ÆÓõ½µÄ±à³Ì¼¼Êõ 62
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4.8 ³ÌÐò¶Ô´®¿ÚÉÏ¿ÉÄ@@öÏÖ´íÎóµÄ´¦Àí 68
4.9 ±¾ÕÂС½á 68
µÚÎåÕ ±ÏÒµÉè¼Æ¸öÈË×ܽá 70
ÖÂл 72
²Î¿¼ÎÄÏ× 73
¸½Â¼ 74
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¹Ø¼ü×Ö£ºWin32 API,Îļþ´«Ê䣬´®¿ÚͨÐÅ£¬MSComm¿Ø¼þ£¬VC++
This graduation design is developed with VC++ in Windows system, the main content is file transfer system based on Serial port. In the design process, we made the following aspects: First, to present the prospects for Serial port communications applications, a summation of the engineering significance; Secondly, to present the Win32 API function and MSComm controls; Again, to present the practical and the worth of scheme, and Serial port communications features in the application and development skills in specific areas to be describe; Finally, to give the code of current design for the reader reference.
Serial port communication have broad applications in various fields .We can understand the basic principles of Serial port communication in engineering applications and communications products ,and master the development tools VC++ through this design.
Keywords: Win32 API,File Transfer, Serial port communications, MSComm, VC++
ÕªÒª 1
µÚÒ»Õ Ð÷ÂÛ 4
1.1±¾´Î±ÏÒµÉè¼ÆµÄÑ¡Ìâ±³¾°ºÍÓ¦ÓÃÇ°¾° 4
1.2 Windowsƽ̨ϲÙ×÷ϵͳ¶Ô´®¿ÚµÄ¹ÜÀí 8
1.2.1 VC++ÖжԶàÏ̵߳ÄÖ§³Ö 8
1.2.2¶àÏß³ÌÔÚ´®¿ÚͨÐÅÖеÄÓ¦Óà 9
1.2.3 ´®¿ÚͨÐŵÄÖصþI/O·½Ê½ 10
1.3»ùÓÚ´®¿ÚµÄÎļþ´«ÊäϵͳÉè¼ÆµÄÖ÷ÒªÄÚÈÝ 10
1.4 ÂÛÎÄ£¨Éè¼Æ£©µÄÕûÌå½á¹¹ 10
µÚ¶þÕ ´®¿ÚͨÐųÌÐò¿ª·¢»ù´¡ÖªÊ¶ 11
2.1 ´®¿ÚͨПÅÊö 11
2.2 ´®ÐÐͨÐÅ»ù´¡ÖªÊ¶ 12
2.2.1 ´®ÐÐͨÐŵÄÓŵã 12
2.2.2 ´®ÐÐͨÐŹ¤×÷·½Ê½ 13
2.2.3 ´®ÐÐͨÐżì´íÓë¾À´í 14
2.2.4 ´®ÐÐͨÐŵÄËÙÂÊÓë´«Êä¾àÀë 14
2.2.5 ´®ÐÐͨÐÅÐÒé 15
2.2.6 ´®¿ÚͨÐŹ¤×÷ÔÀí 16
2.3 ±¾ÕÂС½á 18
µÚÈýÕ ´®¿ÚÔÚͨÐŲúÆ·ÖеÄÓ¦Óü°¿ª·¢´®¿Ú³ÌÐòµÄ·½·¨ 19
3.1 ´®¿ÚÔÚ¸÷ÖÖͨÐŲúÆ·ÖеŦÄÜ 19
3.1.1 ´®¿ÚÔÚµ¥Æ¬»úÖеÄÓ¦Óà 19
3.1.2 ÉÏλ»úÓëPLCÀûÓô®¿ÚͨÐÅ 21
3.1.3 ´®¿ÚÔÚMODEMÖеÄÓ¦Óà 21
3.2 ÀûÓÃVC++¿ª·¢´®¿ÚͨÐųÌÐòµÄ·½·¨ºÍÌصã 22
3.2.1 MSComm¿Ø¼þ½éÉÜ 23
3.2.2 WindowsµÄAPIº¯Êý½éÉÜ 36
3.3 ±¾ÕÂС½á 43
µÚËÄÕ ±¾´ÎÎļþ´«ÊäϵͳÉè¼Æ·½°¸ 44
4.1 ͨÐÅÐÒé·ÖÎö 44
4.1.1 ͨÐÅÁ÷³Ì 44
4.1.2 Êý¾Ý°ü¸ñʽ 45
4.2 ͨÐÅʵÏÖ˼· 46
4.2.1 ͨÐÅʼþµÄ´¦Àí·½·¨ 47
4.2.2 ¸÷ÖÖ²Ù×÷״̬µÄº¬Òå 49
4.3 ½çÃæÉè¼Æ 50
4.3.1 Ö÷½çÃæÉè¼Æ 51
4.3.2 ²ÎÊýÉèÖöԻ°¿òÉè¼Æ 53
4.4 ³ÌÐòÁ÷³ÌͼÉè¼Æ 54
4.4.1 ·¢ËͲÙ×÷¸÷̬Á÷³Ìͼ 54
4.4.2 ½ÓÊÕ²Ù×÷¸÷̬Á÷³Ìͼ 57
4.5 ´®¿ÚÏÂÎļþ´«ÊäµÄÌصã 59
4.5.1 ͨÐŹ¤×÷·½Ê½ 59
4.5.2 Ë«»ú¼ä´®¿ÚͨÐÅ·½Ê½±È½Ï 60
4.6 Îļþ´«ÊäϵͳÉè¼ÆÓõ½µÄ±à³Ì¼¼Êõ 62
4.7 ³ÌÐòÔËÐеĽá¹û·ÖÎö 64
4.8 ³ÌÐò¶Ô´®¿ÚÉÏ¿ÉÄ@@öÏÖ´íÎóµÄ´¦Àí 68
4.9 ±¾ÕÂС½á 68
µÚÎåÕ ±ÏÒµÉè¼Æ¸öÈË×ܽá 70
ÖÂл 72
²Î¿¼ÎÄÏ× 73
¸½Â¼ 74