实时超声造影成像技术在诊断肝脏良恶性肿瘤中的应用价值,页数 7 字数 4183 [摘要] 目的 观察肝肿瘤在超声造影后的时相及回声变化规律,并与增强ct对照,探讨其对肝脏良恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。方法 59个肝脏占位性病灶, 采用新型造影剂sonovne以及technos du8进行超声造影研究。结果 17个原发肝癌病灶中...
此文档由会员 钱阳 发布
页数 7 字数 4183
[摘要] 目的 观察肝肿瘤在超声造影后的时相及回声变化规律,并与增强CT对照,探讨其对肝脏良恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。方法 59个肝脏占位性病灶, 采用新型造影剂SonoVne以及Technos DU8进行超声造影研究。结果 17个原发肝癌病灶中13个表现典型的“快进快退”;2个表现为 “同进快退”;另2个表现为“快进慢退”。通过造影后的表现还可明确提示以下几个方面:(1)肿块内的坏死区;(2)在延迟相发现了肝内小转移灶,从而改变了临床治疗方案;(3)滋养动脉的显示;(4)门脉内栓子的鉴别诊断。36个转移性肝癌病灶分为少血供转移癌组和多血供转移癌组。6例肝血管瘤中5例均表现为向心性环行持续缓慢充填,另一例9mm的小血管瘤表现为完全、快速向心填充。造影增强后所测得肿块大小,数量,和边界均较常规超声和增强CT有变化。结论 新型超声造影技术可极大地提高超声对肝脏占位病变的诊断价值。
[关键词] 超声检查,造影剂,肝肿瘤
[ Abstract] Objective To investigate the role of new real time gray-scale contrast tuned imaging in the diagnostic value of liver neoplasms . Methods Thirty one patients with unconfirmed liver neoplasms were studied. Results Among the seventeen cases of HCC ,Thirteen were typical. presented with early artery enhancement and immediate wash out ,Two cases presented with wash in quickly and wash out slowly .The enhancement pattern of 36 liver metastatics cases was divided into the little blood provides group and the much blood provides group . The 5 cases of haemangioma were enhanced centripetally in portal phase and washed out after several minutes without arterial enhancement. All liver neoplasms which after contrast enhanced were different from regular ultrasound and enhanced CT. Conclusion The new contrast ultrasound technique is sensitive and effective in diagnosing liver neoplasms.
[ Key words] Ultrasonography ; Contrast agent ; Liver neoplasm;
页数 7 字数 4183
[摘要] 目的 观察肝肿瘤在超声造影后的时相及回声变化规律,并与增强CT对照,探讨其对肝脏良恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。方法 59个肝脏占位性病灶, 采用新型造影剂SonoVne以及Technos DU8进行超声造影研究。结果 17个原发肝癌病灶中13个表现典型的“快进快退”;2个表现为 “同进快退”;另2个表现为“快进慢退”。通过造影后的表现还可明确提示以下几个方面:(1)肿块内的坏死区;(2)在延迟相发现了肝内小转移灶,从而改变了临床治疗方案;(3)滋养动脉的显示;(4)门脉内栓子的鉴别诊断。36个转移性肝癌病灶分为少血供转移癌组和多血供转移癌组。6例肝血管瘤中5例均表现为向心性环行持续缓慢充填,另一例9mm的小血管瘤表现为完全、快速向心填充。造影增强后所测得肿块大小,数量,和边界均较常规超声和增强CT有变化。结论 新型超声造影技术可极大地提高超声对肝脏占位病变的诊断价值。
[关键词] 超声检查,造影剂,肝肿瘤
[ Abstract] Objective To investigate the role of new real time gray-scale contrast tuned imaging in the diagnostic value of liver neoplasms . Methods Thirty one patients with unconfirmed liver neoplasms were studied. Results Among the seventeen cases of HCC ,Thirteen were typical. presented with early artery enhancement and immediate wash out ,Two cases presented with wash in quickly and wash out slowly .The enhancement pattern of 36 liver metastatics cases was divided into the little blood provides group and the much blood provides group . The 5 cases of haemangioma were enhanced centripetally in portal phase and washed out after several minutes without arterial enhancement. All liver neoplasms which after contrast enhanced were different from regular ultrasound and enhanced CT. Conclusion The new contrast ultrasound technique is sensitive and effective in diagnosing liver neoplasms.
[ Key words] Ultrasonography ; Contrast agent ; Liver neoplasm;
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