

分类: 论文>经济学论文



原文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布

摘 要


【关键词】传统文化 商务谈判 和谐谈判 双赢


As one of the 4-bigest countries with ancient civilization, China who is called the final enormous potential market of the world is developing at a surprising speed at this era. More and more foreign speculators concentrate the focal point on investing and construction in China. Be up to that, business affairs and negotiations have arrived at China numerously and confusedly.
As the contention of school thoughts during five thousand yeas, Chinese traditional culture has come into being kinds of stable society form, being the national crystallization of wisdom. The impact of traditional culture over the long history becomes deeply ingrained both in the life style and business negotiation to the local people. The national legacy of history is unfolding in the actual life; it contains kinds of different attitudes to the life. The representation of tenderness and toughness is especially outstanding.
In this thesis, Chinese traditional culture’s impact on the modern negotiation will be discussed. Based on the theme of “tenderness or toughness”, “striking or defending”, as well as the characteristics of modern business negotiation, it will analyze the relationship between Chinese traditional culture and the modern business negotiation. On the cases, some negotiation skills for striking or defending are to be put forward. In a word, how to make a peaceful negotiation, that’s to say how to get a win-win status is what we will discuss.

【Key Words】Traditional culture; Business negotiation; Peaceful negotiation; Win-win status

目 录

1问题的提出 2
2谈判中防守是最好的进攻 3
2.1 稳“守” 4
2.2缓“退” 4
2.3巧“避” 5
3 谈判中进攻是最好的防守 5
3.1料事准 6
3.2准备妥 7
3.3遇事忍 7
3.4出手狠 7
3.5善后稳 8
4.创建和谐谈判以实现共赢局面 8
参考文献: 10
致谢 11


[7]王海燕,刘迎春,2002:《国际商务谈判风格与对策》,辽宁税务高等专科学校学报 ,04期
[11]JEFFREY EDMUND CURRY,2006,《国际商务谈判》英文版,上海外语教育出版社
[12]John G.Blair, Jerusha Hull McCormack,2006,《西中文明比照》,复旦大学出版社