毕业论文_舞台吊杆控制系统设计,资源包括:正文doc格式共19页 15230字摘要现代化的影剧院,需要现代化的舞台设备。才能在科学技术日益更新的今天,凭借自身的实力吸引更多观众。而在现代化舞台设备中占举足轻重地位的设备,便是舞台吊杆。舞台吊杆是影剧院起吊景物、幕布、灯光等专用设备,此设备首先应安全,同时也应具备灵活,操作简单、外形美观等。只有更新才适...
此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
资源包括:正文DOC格式共19页 15230字
The control system of the stage boom design
Modern movie theaters need modern stage equipment. In an increasingly science and technology can update today, with their own strengths to attract more viewers. In modern stage equipment for a status of the equipment is launching stage. Stage bar is lifting features movie theaters, theater curtain, lighting, and other special equipment, the equipment should first security, but also should be flexible, simple to operate, shape aesthetic. Only updated to meet the needs of future development. So laugh design a set of control systems.
This paper has analyzed the stage bar control system main information, the modular design thought, the use manual and the automatic circuit realizes its function. The stage bar control system automatic function controls the frequency changer realization by controller PLC, the manual function realizes through the contact device logic circuit. Each bar controls its rise and the drop with the manual button.
Part I introduced stage bar control systems development, transducer development, PLC development and task research significance. Part II introduced the overall design stage bar control systems. Part III introduced stage bar control system’s achieved; this is the core of the system. Part IV introduced system’s conclusion
Key words:Stage Bar ;Control system ;Inverter ;PLC
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 2
Key words 2
1 概述 3
1.1舞台吊杆控制系统发展的状况 3
1.2变频器技术的发展状况 4
1.3 PLC发展状况 5
1.4 本课题研究的意义 6
2 舞台吊杆控制系统整体设计 7
2.1 系统功能及结构框图 7
2.1.1系统功能 7
2.1.2 系统结构框图 7
2.2 电动机的选型 7
2.3 变频器的选型 8
2.4 PLC的选型 9
3 舞台吊杆控制系统的实现 11
3.1 自动控制电路的设计 11
3.1.1 PLC控制部分 12
3.1.2 PLC控制变频器 13
3.1.3变频器控制电动机 14
3.2 手动控制电路的设计 16
3.3 配电系统电路设计 16
4 结论 17
参考文献 18
The control system of the stage boom design
Modern movie theaters need modern stage equipment. In an increasingly science and technology can update today, with their own strengths to attract more viewers. In modern stage equipment for a status of the equipment is launching stage. Stage bar is lifting features movie theaters, theater curtain, lighting, and other special equipment, the equipment should first security, but also should be flexible, simple to operate, shape aesthetic. Only updated to meet the needs of future development. So laugh design a set of control systems.
This paper has analyzed the stage bar control system main information, the modular design thought, the use manual and the automatic circuit realizes its function. The stage bar control system automatic function controls the frequency changer realization by controller PLC, the manual function realizes through the contact device logic circuit. Each bar controls its rise and the drop with the manual button.
Part I introduced stage bar control systems development, transducer development, PLC development and task research significance. Part II introduced the overall design stage bar control systems. Part III introduced stage bar control system’s achieved; this is the core of the system. Part IV introduced system’s conclusion
Key words:Stage Bar ;Control system ;Inverter ;PLC
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 2
Key words 2
1 概述 3
1.1舞台吊杆控制系统发展的状况 3
1.2变频器技术的发展状况 4
1.3 PLC发展状况 5
1.4 本课题研究的意义 6
2 舞台吊杆控制系统整体设计 7
2.1 系统功能及结构框图 7
2.1.1系统功能 7
2.1.2 系统结构框图 7
2.2 电动机的选型 7
2.3 变频器的选型 8
2.4 PLC的选型 9
3 舞台吊杆控制系统的实现 11
3.1 自动控制电路的设计 11
3.1.1 PLC控制部分 12
3.1.2 PLC控制变频器 13
3.1.3变频器控制电动机 14
3.2 手动控制电路的设计 16
3.3 配电系统电路设计 16
4 结论 17
参考文献 18
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