电子钟后盖注射模具设计,资源包括:正文doc格式共64页 25850字 附cad图纸 主流道衬套a4.dwg 支承板a2.dwg 型芯固定板a2.dwg 推杆固定板a2.dwg 推板a2.dwg 滑块a4.dwg 动-定模座板2a2.dwg 定位圈a4.dwg 定模板a2.dwg l拉料杆a4.dwg a3型芯.dwg a2动模板.dwg 5...

原文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
资源包括:正文DOC格式共64页 25850字
附CAD图纸 主流道衬套A4.dwg 支承板A2.dwg 型芯固定板A2.dwg 推杆固定板A2.dwg 推板A2.dwg 滑块A4.dwg 动-定模座板2A2.dwg 定位圈A4.dwg 定模板A2.dwg l拉料杆A4.dwg A3型芯.dwg A2动模板.dwg 5A4推杆 复位杆.dwg 2A4导套 导柱.dwg
本文介绍了注射模具的特点及发展趋势,叙述了电子钟后盖注射模具设计与计算的详细过程,介绍了该塑件的成型工艺、注射模具的结构特点与工作过程, 阐述了在有斜滑块抽芯的注射模设计中应注意的事项。在对电子钟后盖的模具设计过程中,本设计主要设计要点如下:塑件的设计比较的合理;分型面的选择有利于塑件成型;脱模机构的设计不但结构简单,而且脱模动作稳定可靠;进浇口的选择不影响塑件外观,而且保证塑件充填均匀;冷却水道的设计使模具效率达到最高,保证塑件质量要求;在设计的过程中借用分析软件如CAM等使设计更合理、更有效;大量使用标准件,使模具制作成本大大降低;本模具设计最关键的一点就是设计已达到实际生产的要求。
【关键词】 电子钟;注射模;分型面;斜滑块;侧抽芯;脱模机构。
Design of the Injection Mould for The Back of Electronic Clock
Major:Material processing and control engineering
Directing teacher:
The characteristics and developments of injection mould were introduced in this paper. The designing and calculating of injection mould for the back of electronic clock were stated in detail. The forming process of the product and the structure characteristics as well as working process of the injection mould were introduced .The points must be paid attention to in the design of the injection mould for the part with lifters were stated.In the process of the designing of the injectinon mould for electronic clock receiver, people should pay attention to several suggestions: the plastic should be designed as reasonable as possible. The selection of the sub-type parts are benificial to mold the parts of plastic. The design of the structure of drawing of pattern is not only simple but also the movement should be stable and reliable. The selection of Jin runner should ensure to fill the plastic equally under the prerequisite of not influencing the appearance of the plastic. The design of cooling penstock should make the rate of production reach to the topmost, and ensure any influence to do nothing to the equality of the plastic. Meanwhile, in the process of designing ,we can use analysis soft, such as CAM, to make the design been more reasonable and efficient. Making full use of large amounts of standard pieces will reduce the cost of mold plastic facture. The key point of the design of mold plastic have reached the request of the real production.
Keywords electronic clock; injection mould; core pulling ;selection of the sub-type parts; lifter; structure of drawing of pattern.
目 录
前言 1
1 塑件成型工艺分析 2
1.1 塑件分析 2
1.2 塑料ABS的成型特性及工艺参数 3
2 拟定模具结构形式 6
2.1 型腔的设计 6
2.2 分型面的设计 7
3 注塑机的选择与确定 9
3.1 注射机的技术规范 9
3.2 注射过程注塑量的计算 10
3.3 注射机的选用 10
3.型腔数量及注射机参数的校核 11
3.5 模具与注射机安装部分相关尺寸的校核 12
4 浇注系统的的设计 15
4.1 浇注系统设计的原则 15
4.2 主流道的设计 15
4.3 冷料穴的设计 17
4.4 分流道的设计 18
4.5 浇口的设计 21
4.6 浇注系统的平衡 22
5 成型零件的设计 24
5.1 成型零件的要求及选材 24
5.2 成型零件的结构设计 24
5.3 成型零件尺寸的计算 24
5.4 型腔刚度的校核 28
6 模架的确定 32
6.1 模架的概述 34
6.2 模架的选用 34
6.3 模板尺寸的确定 34
7 导向机构的设计 36
7.1导柱、导套的导向机构设计要点 36
7.2 导柱的设计 36
7.3 导套的设计 37
8 脱模机构的设计 39
8.1 脱模机构的分类及设计原则 39
8.2 推杆的设计及脱模力的计算 40
8.3 脱模机构的复位元件 42
8.4 侧向分型与抽芯机构的设计 42
9 模具冷却系统的设计 45
9.1 模具加热、冷却系统的设计要点 45
9.2 冷却系统的设计 45
10 模具材料的选用 48
10.1 模具材料选用的要求 48
10.2 注塑模具常用材料 48
11模具的工作过程 51
11.1提前预处理 51
11.2 注塑过程 51
11.3 脱模过程 51
12 全面审核投产制造 52
12.1 模具的安装原则 52
12.2 试模 52
12.3 模具合格的条件 52
13 典型零件制造工艺 54
14 设计总结 59
15 致谢 60
参考文献 61
附录:中英文翻译 62
附CAD图纸 主流道衬套A4.dwg 支承板A2.dwg 型芯固定板A2.dwg 推杆固定板A2.dwg 推板A2.dwg 滑块A4.dwg 动-定模座板2A2.dwg 定位圈A4.dwg 定模板A2.dwg l拉料杆A4.dwg A3型芯.dwg A2动模板.dwg 5A4推杆 复位杆.dwg 2A4导套 导柱.dwg
本文介绍了注射模具的特点及发展趋势,叙述了电子钟后盖注射模具设计与计算的详细过程,介绍了该塑件的成型工艺、注射模具的结构特点与工作过程, 阐述了在有斜滑块抽芯的注射模设计中应注意的事项。在对电子钟后盖的模具设计过程中,本设计主要设计要点如下:塑件的设计比较的合理;分型面的选择有利于塑件成型;脱模机构的设计不但结构简单,而且脱模动作稳定可靠;进浇口的选择不影响塑件外观,而且保证塑件充填均匀;冷却水道的设计使模具效率达到最高,保证塑件质量要求;在设计的过程中借用分析软件如CAM等使设计更合理、更有效;大量使用标准件,使模具制作成本大大降低;本模具设计最关键的一点就是设计已达到实际生产的要求。
【关键词】 电子钟;注射模;分型面;斜滑块;侧抽芯;脱模机构。
Design of the Injection Mould for The Back of Electronic Clock
Major:Material processing and control engineering
Directing teacher:
The characteristics and developments of injection mould were introduced in this paper. The designing and calculating of injection mould for the back of electronic clock were stated in detail. The forming process of the product and the structure characteristics as well as working process of the injection mould were introduced .The points must be paid attention to in the design of the injection mould for the part with lifters were stated.In the process of the designing of the injectinon mould for electronic clock receiver, people should pay attention to several suggestions: the plastic should be designed as reasonable as possible. The selection of the sub-type parts are benificial to mold the parts of plastic. The design of the structure of drawing of pattern is not only simple but also the movement should be stable and reliable. The selection of Jin runner should ensure to fill the plastic equally under the prerequisite of not influencing the appearance of the plastic. The design of cooling penstock should make the rate of production reach to the topmost, and ensure any influence to do nothing to the equality of the plastic. Meanwhile, in the process of designing ,we can use analysis soft, such as CAM, to make the design been more reasonable and efficient. Making full use of large amounts of standard pieces will reduce the cost of mold plastic facture. The key point of the design of mold plastic have reached the request of the real production.
Keywords electronic clock; injection mould; core pulling ;selection of the sub-type parts; lifter; structure of drawing of pattern.
目 录
前言 1
1 塑件成型工艺分析 2
1.1 塑件分析 2
1.2 塑料ABS的成型特性及工艺参数 3
2 拟定模具结构形式 6
2.1 型腔的设计 6
2.2 分型面的设计 7
3 注塑机的选择与确定 9
3.1 注射机的技术规范 9
3.2 注射过程注塑量的计算 10
3.3 注射机的选用 10
3.型腔数量及注射机参数的校核 11
3.5 模具与注射机安装部分相关尺寸的校核 12
4 浇注系统的的设计 15
4.1 浇注系统设计的原则 15
4.2 主流道的设计 15
4.3 冷料穴的设计 17
4.4 分流道的设计 18
4.5 浇口的设计 21
4.6 浇注系统的平衡 22
5 成型零件的设计 24
5.1 成型零件的要求及选材 24
5.2 成型零件的结构设计 24
5.3 成型零件尺寸的计算 24
5.4 型腔刚度的校核 28
6 模架的确定 32
6.1 模架的概述 34
6.2 模架的选用 34
6.3 模板尺寸的确定 34
7 导向机构的设计 36
7.1导柱、导套的导向机构设计要点 36
7.2 导柱的设计 36
7.3 导套的设计 37
8 脱模机构的设计 39
8.1 脱模机构的分类及设计原则 39
8.2 推杆的设计及脱模力的计算 40
8.3 脱模机构的复位元件 42
8.4 侧向分型与抽芯机构的设计 42
9 模具冷却系统的设计 45
9.1 模具加热、冷却系统的设计要点 45
9.2 冷却系统的设计 45
10 模具材料的选用 48
10.1 模具材料选用的要求 48
10.2 注塑模具常用材料 48
11模具的工作过程 51
11.1提前预处理 51
11.2 注塑过程 51
11.3 脱模过程 51
12 全面审核投产制造 52
12.1 模具的安装原则 52
12.2 试模 52
12.3 模具合格的条件 52
13 典型零件制造工艺 54
14 设计总结 59
15 致谢 60
参考文献 61
附录:中英文翻译 62