此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
关键词: 电梯,可编程控制器(PLC),开门机,曳引机,控制柜
Four building elevator design
There are two primary coverages in this graduation project, one is to design a procedure which can control this four building elevator. According to which usually knew, four building elevator divides into at one, two, three, four these four floors when other floors call all sorts of situations. This has also included two simultaneous calls as well as three simultaneous calls. Another primary mission is to design the several major components’ detail drawings as well as assembly drawings on the elevator. And I mainly realized the four building elevator’s starting and stoping and those call situations through the programmable controller (PLC). But on the design of the elevator’s mechanical part, I put the emphasis on elevator’s door opener, tactor and cntrol cubicle. Of course, sdan theater box, weight these parts’ sizes also in it. I used knowledge which I have studied to complete the design on mchinery as well as electricity aspect of the four building elevator by my ownself.
Keywords: elevator, programmable controller (PLC), door opener, tactor, control cubicle
一. 毕业设计课题介绍5
二. 四层楼电梯PLC控制及程序分析7
1. 操作部分控制.7
2. 逻辑分析.7
3. 硬件设计.7
4. 电梯的工作示意图.8
5. 电梯的I/O接口图.9
6. 四层楼电梯的情况分析.9
7. PLC程序部分的小结.18
三. 电梯主要部件结构及功能介绍18
1. 电梯曳引系统18
2. 控制柜31
3. 门系统34
4. 对重37
5. 轿厢38
6. 机械部分小结38
四. 毕业设计总结39
五. 参考文献40
六. 附录
1. 四层楼电梯控制程序
2. 四层楼电梯梯形图
3. 主要零部件的装配图以及零件图
关键词: 电梯,可编程控制器(PLC),开门机,曳引机,控制柜
Four building elevator design
There are two primary coverages in this graduation project, one is to design a procedure which can control this four building elevator. According to which usually knew, four building elevator divides into at one, two, three, four these four floors when other floors call all sorts of situations. This has also included two simultaneous calls as well as three simultaneous calls. Another primary mission is to design the several major components’ detail drawings as well as assembly drawings on the elevator. And I mainly realized the four building elevator’s starting and stoping and those call situations through the programmable controller (PLC). But on the design of the elevator’s mechanical part, I put the emphasis on elevator’s door opener, tactor and cntrol cubicle. Of course, sdan theater box, weight these parts’ sizes also in it. I used knowledge which I have studied to complete the design on mchinery as well as electricity aspect of the four building elevator by my ownself.
Keywords: elevator, programmable controller (PLC), door opener, tactor, control cubicle
一. 毕业设计课题介绍5
二. 四层楼电梯PLC控制及程序分析7
1. 操作部分控制.7
2. 逻辑分析.7
3. 硬件设计.7
4. 电梯的工作示意图.8
5. 电梯的I/O接口图.9
6. 四层楼电梯的情况分析.9
7. PLC程序部分的小结.18
三. 电梯主要部件结构及功能介绍18
1. 电梯曳引系统18
2. 控制柜31
3. 门系统34
4. 对重37
5. 轿厢38
6. 机械部分小结38
四. 毕业设计总结39
五. 参考文献40
六. 附录
1. 四层楼电梯控制程序
2. 四层楼电梯梯形图
3. 主要零部件的装配图以及零件图