

图像压缩毕业论文,论文标准word格式排版25页目录内容摘要 iabstract ii第一章绪论 11.1课题背景 11.2图像数据压缩的必要性 11.3图像数据压缩的可能性 21.4图像压缩技术研究的起源与发展 3第二章数字图像压缩的原理 42.1数字图像的压缩概述 42.2图像压缩的基本原理 42.2.1 信息论基础 42.2.2图...
分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布



内容摘要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 图像数据压缩的必要性 1
1.3 图像数据压缩的可能性 2
1.4 图像压缩技术研究的起源与发展 3
第二章 数字图像压缩的原理 4
2.1 数字图像的压缩概述 4
2.2 图像压缩的基本原理 4
2.2.1 信息论基础 4
2.2.2 图像的基本压缩方式 5
2.3 图像压缩系统概述及压缩系统评价 6
2.3.1 图像压缩系统的组成 6
2.3.2 图像压缩系统评价 7
第三章 数字图像的编码方式 10
3.1 数字图像编码的分类 10
3.2 无损数字图像编码方式 10
3.2.1 游程编码 10
3.2.2 LZW编码 10
3.2.3 霍夫曼编码 11
3.2.4 算术编码 11
3.3 有损图像压缩编码方式 12
3.3.1 失真度理论和有损压缩 13
3.2.2 变换编码 13
3.2.3 预测编码 14
3.2.4 矢量量化编码 15
3.2.5 DCT变换编码 16
3.2.6 小波编码 17
结束语 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21



关键词: 图像压缩,图像编码,小波变换,图像质量


With the ever-growing multimedia technique, people are looking forward to new image compression techniques with better performance. Taking the storage and transfer of mass image data into consideration, not only could favorable image compression techniques achieve high compression ratio and fidelity, they should also meet the demands of web applications. Image compression needs further detailed study, thus a specialized research field known as image coding develops. Frequently used major coding methods include pedicel code, transform code, vestal quantization, wavelet transform code, and fractal code. The paper firstly summarizes the image compression technology, presents the general conception of image compression technique, and briefly introduces several image compression algorithms. Also, it introduces the general model of image compression, as well as the performance appraising criterion of recovered image Quality. Then,it expatiates on the classification of image coding and analyzes the images compression coding , especially to pedicel code, transform code, vestal quantization, wavelet transform code, fractal code. At last, the function of image compression coding is described.

Keywords: Image coding,Image compression,Wavelet, Image quality