

基于aspnet技术的网上购物系统的设计与开发,论文标准word格式排版 58页 附源程序文件摘要随着internet的不断普及,人们对于互联网技术的要求已不单单是浏览一下网页,收发电子邮件,日益忙碌的人们开始追求足不出户的利用互联网这一强大的平台来实现的网上购物。对于企业来讲,无论是企业之间(b to b),还是企业和客户之间(b to c)的交易,如果能够实现网...
分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布

论文标准WORD格式排版 58页 附源程序文件

摘 要

随着Internet的不断普及,人们对于互联网技术的要求已不单单是浏览一下网页,收发电子邮件,日益忙碌的人们开始追求足不出户的利用互联网这一强大的平台来实现的网上购物。对于企业来讲,无论是企业之间(B to B),还是企业和客户之间(B to C)的交易,如果能够实现网上交易将大大提高交易速度节约交易成本。近几年,随着网络数据库技术的进一步发展,使得这一设想逐渐成为现实。


With the continuing popularity of internet, people’s request on Internet technology is not simply browsing the website and transceiving E-mail.
Increasingly busy people begin to search for the use of network which is a powerful platform to achieve online shopping. For enterprises, whether between enterprises and enterprises or between enterprises and clients,
If online transactions could be achieved, that will significantly improve the speed of transactions and save transaction costs. In recent years, with network database technology developing further, the idea will gradually become a reality.
Using asp.net technology and network database theory, basing on the B/S mode, I developed an online shopping system. In my system, customers can easily become a member of the registration, browse and search for merchandise, view commodities’ detailed information and purchase goods
accordingly to their personal preferences. The system will automatically generate orders for customers and according to the information which is written by customers submit orders and send the goods. System administrators can add and edit the existing commodities, review the registered users and deal with the submit orders.

Key words: online shopping system, commodities, database.

目 录
1 网上购物系统的概述 1
1.1 网上购物系统的发展 1
1.2 网上购物的现状 1
1.3网上购物系统的构建 2
2 系统开发的技术基础 3
2.1 系统开发的平台 3
2.2 系统开发语言 3
3 系统设计 5
3.1 需求分析 5
3.2 系统功能描述 5
3.3 功能模块划分 5
3.4 系统流程分析 6
4 数据库设计 8
4.1 数据库分析和设计 8
4.2 数据表的创建 9
4.3 数据表关系图 11
4.4 创建存储过程 11
5 系统公用模块创建 21
5.1 配置web.config 21
5.2 创建Type.ascx 21
5.3 创建likeware.ascx 21
6 系统界面和代码的实现 22
6.1 分类商品信息界面 22
6.2 商品详细信息界面 22
6.3 搜索界面 23
6.4 购物车界面 24
6.5 提交订单界面 27
6.6 订单信息界面 28
6.7 订单详细信息界面 29
7 实例演示 31
8 小 结 35
9谢 辞 36
10参考文献 37
附录 外文翻译 38
a.外文原文 38
b.翻译 41