轮式装载机后驱动桥三行星轮轮边减速器设计,目录摘 要iiiabstractiv第一章 前言11.1 设计的目的和意义11.2 轮式装载机国内外现状及发展趋势11.3 设计主要内容21.4 设计原始条件2第二章 传动方案选定32.1 传动方案选择32.1.1 传动系统的功用和类型32.1.2 机械传动系统32.1.3 液力...

此文档由会员 wwwwe 发布轮式装载机后驱动桥三行星轮轮边减速器设计
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
第一章 前言 1
1.1 设计的目的和意义 1
1.2 轮式装载机国内外现状及发展趋势 1
1.3 设计主要内容 2
1.4 设计原始条件 2
第二章 传动方案选定 3
2.1 传动方案选择 3
2.1.1 传动系统的功用和类型 3
2.1.2 机械传动系统 3
2.1.3 液力机械传动系统 4
2.1.4 液压传动系统 4
2.1.5 电传动系统 5
2.2 液力变矩器选择 5
第三章 轮边减速器结构方案选定 8
3.1 行星齿轮的选型 8
3.2 行星传动的均载方案设计 9
3.3 行星齿轮传动的齿轮结构设计 10
第四章 传动比计算与计算载荷确定 12
4.1 总传动比计算 12
4.2 传动比分配 13
第五章 轮边减速器设计 15
5.1 配齿计算 15
5.1.1 配齿条件 15
5.1.2 配齿结果 16
5.1.3 配齿验算 16
5.2 计算载荷的确定 17
5.3 材料的选择 18
5.4 齿轮设计计算 18
5.4.1 齿轮模数确定 18
5.4.2 齿轮外形尺寸计算 21
5.5 齿轮的强度校核 22
5.6 滚针轴承选择及校核 24
5.6.1 滚针轴承的选择 24
5.6.2 滚针轴承校核 24
第六章 总结 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28
摘 要
The Design of Three Planets Round Side Reducer on the Drive Bridge of 2.3m3 Wheel Loaders
Wheel-side reducer is the last deceleration increase twisted device in the driveline; when the total transmission ratio is same, wheel-side reducer is adopted to reduce the load and size of drive shaft, main gear box, differential, axle, and other parts, and larger off-axle ground clearance of the drive axle. It is widely used in load trucks, large buses, off-road vehicles and other engineering vehicles. Therefore, it is very important for us to research on the wheel-side reducer.
The main work is carried out in this dissertation as follows:
Firstly, the development status and trends of the reducer at home and abroad is briefly introduced, and the characteristics and the transmission type of planetary wheel-side reducer and gears are described and analyzed. Secondly, the selection and material of the main components are chosen based on the working requirements of the wheel-side reducer. Finally, according to the given design conditions, drive design calculations of the wheel-side reducer is conducted, the parameters of its main components is determined and the strength is also checked.
Keywords: Wheel loaders, Wheel-side Reducer, Design