

序批式厌氧缺氧好氧工艺中同时去除磷,氮和二硝基甲苯------外文翻译(原文+译文),摘要在磷酸盐- p浓度增加至320毫克/升时,是通过化学耗氧量(cod),挥发性脂肪酸(vfa)消耗 和二硝基甲苯(dnt)的去除在厌氧条件下发生的磷释放造成的。当向no3 - n比化学需氧量减少约2.0,废水的有机成分,主要是硝酸盐在缺氧条件下转化为甲烷。 这两个反硝化和po4 - p浓度开始增加时,甲烷已经完成,开...
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原文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

在磷酸盐- P浓度增加至320毫克/升时,是通过化学耗氧量(COD),挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)消耗 和二硝基甲苯(DNT)的去除在厌氧条件下发生的磷释放造成的。当向NO3 - N比化学需氧量减少约2.0,废水的有机成分,主要是硝酸盐在缺氧条件下转化为甲烷。 这两个反硝化和PO4 - P浓度开始增加时,甲烷已经完成,开始产出氮气。在缺氧条件下,聚磷细菌能利用挥发性脂肪酸去除磷酸盐,反硝化工艺处理主要完成后,化学需氧量为碳源,硝酸盐为电子受体。随着进水中的COD为3000毫克/升,通过20天的孵化缺氧最大量可去除性磷酸盐为 56毫克/升,表明98%的磷在这个反应中去除磷酸盐,PO4-P/NO3-N和 PO4-P/COD消耗比例分别为0.08—0.2和2.3—2.6。高


The occurrence and fate of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in the aquatic environment has been recognized as one of the emerging issues in environmental chemistry. In some investigations carried out in Austria, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and the U.S., more than 80 compounds, pharmaceuticals and several drug metabolites, have been detected in the aquatic environment. Several PhACs from various prescription classes have been found at concentrations up to the µg/l-level in sewage influent and effluent samples and also in several surface waters located downstream from municipal sewage treatment plants (STPs). The studies show that some PhACs originating from human therapy are not eliminated completely in the municipal STPs and are, thus, discharged as contaminants into the receiving waters. Under recharge conditions, polar PhACs such as clofibric acid, carbamazepine, primidone or iodinated contrast agents can leach through the subsoil and have also been detected in several groundwater samples in Germany. Positive findings of PhACs have, however, also been reported in groundwater contaminated by landfill leachates or manufacturing residues. To date, only in a few cases PhACs have also been detected at trace-levels in drinking water samples. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: PhACs; Sewage contaminants; Bank filtration; Surface, ground- and drinking water