

ups电源-------外文翻译,ups-500's mould is not disconnected the adjustment of power supply work dian ups-500 is not disconnected the power supply and adjusts his work point for user pr...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

UPS-500's mould is not disconnected the adjustment of power supply work Dian
UPS-500 is not disconnected the power supply and adjusts his work point for user provides three fine tuning potentiometres, and introduces as follows at present:
(1) potentiometre VR1: is used to adjust the voltage being charged of storage battery. The battery is charged, and the circuit is a permanent voltage source. This signifies, and it will stop to be charged voluntarily when battery voltage is filled to the rated value. The circuit is when designing. Serve as this definition of voltage to 27 volts. This is charged, and the measurement method of voltage is: dismantling the tie of battery after inserting UPS's power supply the 220 volts local junction circuit electrical network, the resistance of 10W is as the false load to simple 200 Ω on the rejoin, and ascertains by measuring or surveying this voltage from the connection cable of battery more here. Also that is to say: 27 volts indicate voltage when being charged the circuit no-load, and is not voltage when taking the storage battery load. This point will especially be paid attention to when adjusting VR1. Otherwise the parts are burnt up greatly because of the charging current is crossed easily in the committee, or damage the storage battery because of crossing pressing to be charged.
(2) potentiometre VR2: when UPS's power supply is in contrary(ly) to become the ware when supplying power, and can cross the effective dimension that the potentiometre was adjusted UPS power supply export side wave voltage by way of adjusting VR2. The adjustment method is: pulling out the 220 volts local junction circuit power supplies not is disconnected with the voltmeter at UPS measuring voltage on the export of the power supply socket. Adjusting VR2, gradually makes to send out voltage to achieve the fixed value.
(1) 电位器VR1:用于调整蓄电池的充电电压。电池充电电路是一个恒电压源。这意味着,当电池电压被充到额定值时,它将自动停止充电。线路设计时。把这一电压定义为27伏。这一充电电压的测量方法是:把UPS电源插入220伏市电电网后,拆掉电池的连接线,再连接上一个约200Ω,10W的电阻作为假负载,这里再从电池的连接电缆上测定这一个电压。也就是说:27伏指充电电路空载时的电压,并不是指带上蓄电池负载时的电压。这点在调整VR1时,要特别注意。否则委容易因充电电流过大而烧毁器件,或因过压充电而损坏蓄电池。
(2) 电位器VR2:当UPS电源处于逆变器供电时,可通过调整VR2过电位器来调整UPS电源输出方波电压的有效大小。调整办法是:拔掉220伏市电电源用电压表在UPS不间断电源的输出插座上测量电压。逐渐调节VR2,使输出电压达到预定值。
(3) 电位器VR4:用于调整UPS不间断电源从市电供电转变为由逆变器供电的转变电压。这里所指的转换电压的含义是:当输入的市电电压逐渐下降时,在市电电网电压低于的设定的转变电压值时,对于UPS不间断电源来说,它就认为是市电供电发生了故障。一台可调变压器(当市电电网电压不低于170-180伏时)把UPS电源的交流输入电压从高到低逐渐调整至170伏左右,然后逐渐调整电位器VR4,使UPS电源从市电供电转变为由逆变器供电。在调整转换电压时,请记住转换电压的滞后特性。即当UPS电源的市电输入电压从高往低调整时的转换电压V1(例如170伏)比市电输入电压由低向高逐渐增高时的转换电压V‘1(例如180杖)要小。即从逆变器供电转换到由市电供电时转换电压一般要高10伏左右。这是为了防止在转变点附近UPS不间断电源在市电供与逆变器供电之间由于市电电网各种干扰而引起不正常的频繁切换。这一电压滞后宽度受电阻R64所控制,减少电阻R64的阻值会加宽其滞后宽度。