古典园林与现代公园_外文翻译, 运用比较学的方式,在基于中国传统文化及美学思想建立的颐和园与基于现代消费文化的主题游乐公园-欢乐谷之间进行比较。分别对其背后的文化动机和经济动机进行比较和分析,以及其艺术设计表现方式的不同,和审美意趣的不同进行对比,深入探讨在两种文化背景下产生的景观设计方式的不同之处。在经典文化与哲学消解的20世纪末乃至21世纪...

此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布运用比较学的方式,在基于中国传统文化及美学思想建立的颐和园与基于现代消费文化的主题游乐公园-欢乐谷之间进行比较。分别对其背后的文化动机和经济动机进行比较和分析,以及其艺术设计表现方式的不同,和审美意趣的不同进行对比,深入探讨在两种文化背景下产生的景观设计方式的不同之处。在经典文化与哲学消解的20世纪末乃至21世纪初,世界各地的景观设计界兴起一股建设主题游乐园的旋风,本文则是以对于这种社会文化现象的观察体验以及分析,从审美文化这一角度切入,对这种文化事实进行剖析。对其背后的文化原因进行论证和话题的展开,来求证主题游乐园其背后的文化成因以及审美倾向,以及其在现代社会背景经营运作中所具有的典型的现代景观特质。
Using comparative study- way, based on traditional Chinese culture and aesthetics of the Summer Palace and based on modern consumer culture theme amusement park – happy valley comparison, the culture behind respectively on the motive and economic incentives for comparison and analysis, and its artistic design expression, and different ways of different aesthetic interest in comparison, the paper probes two cultural background of the landscape design way differences. In classic culture and philosophy of digestion of the 20th century and even the early 21st century, the landscape design world raised a share whirlwind of construction of theme parks, this article is for this kind of social cultural phenomenon of observation and analysis from experience, the perspective of aesthetic culture, analyzes on the cultural facts. The culture of the reasons behind argumentation and topic development, by making theme parks behind the cultural causes and aesthetic tendency, and its operation in modern social background is a typical modern landscape characteristics.
As is known to all, two parks are very popular with Beijing, the Summer Palace an-d happy valley. They may be the best of Beijing city popularity in two parks, with all the landscape characteristics and the thousand features all to their way of business within in four seasons are poured theatre.