基于dppc2006的数字音频功放电路的设计,[摘 要]随着电子技术和数字信号处理技术的发展,音频功率放大器的发展进入了一个新时代,数字功率放大器已经在很多场合下取代了模拟功率放大器,而且关于数字功率放大器的相关技术也在得到不断改进和发展。 本系统以采用直接数字放大技术(ddx)的专用数字音频信号处理放大芯片dppc2006为核心,可直接输入s/pdif同轴或...
此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
[摘 要]
With the development of electronic technology and digital signal processing technology, audio power amplifier has come into a new era, the digital power amplifier has replaced the analog power amplifier many occasions, and the technology on digital power amplifier also has been continually improved and development.
The system adopts direct digital amplification (DDX) for digital audio signal processing amplifying DPPC2006 chip as the core, can be directly input S/PDIF coaxial or optical digital audio signal. It can be directly input S/PDIF coaxial or optical digital audio signal. After internal operations, the PCM signal into PWM signal is transmitted to a complementary symmetry H bridge circuit which is formed by the high-speed VMOSFET transistor to amplified, the audio signal was outputted from low pass filter. If you use different MOSFET, you can get the output between 80W to 300W easily. Theoretically, the average efficiency may achieve above 90%.Even the level amplifying transistor completely does not need the radiator fin. Uses the SCM can nimble control it, realize the silent, digital volume control, display and other functions
Key words:the audio power amplifier;DPPC2006 ;high efficiency
1 引言 1
1.1 数字功放的目的及其意义 1
1.2 数字功放的国内外发展现状和前景 2
1.3 设计的主要内容 2
2 硬件电路设计 3
2.1 DPPC2006芯片外围电路的设计 3
2.1.1 DPPC2006的数字音频功放电路组成框图 4
2.1.2 DPPC2006的引脚图和功能框图 5
2.1.3 DPPC2006的概述、特点和技术指标 8
2.1.4 DPPC2006的工作原理 9
2.2 DPPC2006专用时钟电路设计 12
2.3 单片机控制及显示电路的设计 12
2.3.1 单片机AT89S52的性能及功能特性 12
2.3.2单片机AT89S52的外围电路 13
2.3.3单片机控制及显示电路 14
2.4 A/D转换电路设计 16
2.4.1 芯片CS5333的引脚图及其特点 16
2.4.2 A/D转换电路 17
2.5后级电路的设计 18
2.5.1 H桥互补对称电路的设计 18
2.5.2 低通滤波器的设计 19
2.6电源电路的设计 22
2.6.1 三端集成稳压器 22
2.6.2 +24V和+5V电源的设计 22
2.6.3 +3.3V电源的设计 23
2.6.4 +24V电源的缓上电设计 23
3 系统软件的设计 24
3.1 软件设计流程图 24
3.2 源程序的设计 26
4数字功放的测试设计 26
4.1典型功能框图 27
4.2 前级信号处理电路 27
4.3后级功率放大电路 28
4.4电源电路 30
总结 31
参考文献 32
附 录 33
致 谢 37
With the development of electronic technology and digital signal processing technology, audio power amplifier has come into a new era, the digital power amplifier has replaced the analog power amplifier many occasions, and the technology on digital power amplifier also has been continually improved and development.
The system adopts direct digital amplification (DDX) for digital audio signal processing amplifying DPPC2006 chip as the core, can be directly input S/PDIF coaxial or optical digital audio signal. It can be directly input S/PDIF coaxial or optical digital audio signal. After internal operations, the PCM signal into PWM signal is transmitted to a complementary symmetry H bridge circuit which is formed by the high-speed VMOSFET transistor to amplified, the audio signal was outputted from low pass filter. If you use different MOSFET, you can get the output between 80W to 300W easily. Theoretically, the average efficiency may achieve above 90%.Even the level amplifying transistor completely does not need the radiator fin. Uses the SCM can nimble control it, realize the silent, digital volume control, display and other functions
Key words:the audio power amplifier;DPPC2006 ;high efficiency
1 引言 1
1.1 数字功放的目的及其意义 1
1.2 数字功放的国内外发展现状和前景 2
1.3 设计的主要内容 2
2 硬件电路设计 3
2.1 DPPC2006芯片外围电路的设计 3
2.1.1 DPPC2006的数字音频功放电路组成框图 4
2.1.2 DPPC2006的引脚图和功能框图 5
2.1.3 DPPC2006的概述、特点和技术指标 8
2.1.4 DPPC2006的工作原理 9
2.2 DPPC2006专用时钟电路设计 12
2.3 单片机控制及显示电路的设计 12
2.3.1 单片机AT89S52的性能及功能特性 12
2.3.2单片机AT89S52的外围电路 13
2.3.3单片机控制及显示电路 14
2.4 A/D转换电路设计 16
2.4.1 芯片CS5333的引脚图及其特点 16
2.4.2 A/D转换电路 17
2.5后级电路的设计 18
2.5.1 H桥互补对称电路的设计 18
2.5.2 低通滤波器的设计 19
2.6电源电路的设计 22
2.6.1 三端集成稳压器 22
2.6.2 +24V和+5V电源的设计 22
2.6.3 +3.3V电源的设计 23
2.6.4 +24V电源的缓上电设计 23
3 系统软件的设计 24
3.1 软件设计流程图 24
3.2 源程序的设计 26
4数字功放的测试设计 26
4.1典型功能框图 27
4.2 前级信号处理电路 27
4.3后级功率放大电路 28
4.4电源电路 30
总结 31
参考文献 32
附 录 33
致 谢 37