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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布


关键词: 皮带传送系统; 雷诺数; 风力; 风力发电机组

风轮机是一台把风的动能转换成旋转机械能的机器,然后被用来工作,在更先进的机型里旋转机械能通过发电机被转换成电能,这是能量最通用的形式(菲茨沃特等,1996)。几千年来,人们利用风车抽水或磨粮食,即使进入二十世纪,身材高大、苗条、多叶片完全由金属制成的风力发电机也已经进入美国家庭和牧场将水抽到房子的管道系统或牲畜的饮水槽,第一次世界大战后,主要的工作是开始发展可以产生电力的风力涡轮机,马塞勒斯雅各布在1927年发明了一种可以为收音机和一些灯提供能量的原型,但仅仅如此。当电力需求增加后,Jacobs的小型的有不足的风力发电机开始不用。第一个大型风力涡轮机由帕尔默考斯莱特普特南在1934年美国建立起构思的,完成于1941年。这台机器非常巨大,该身有36.6码(33.5米)高,它的两个不锈钢叶片直径有58码(53米)。Putnam的风力涡轮机可以产生一千二百五十〇千瓦电力,足以满足一个小城镇的需要(莫内特等,1994)。然而由于机械故障在1945年就被遗弃了。随着20世纪70年代石油禁运,美国又开始考虑从风力涡轮机生产廉价电力的可行性。1975年,Mod-O原型开始运作,这是一个有两个21码(19米)叶片的100千瓦涡轮。更多的原型机(Mod-OA, Mod-1, Mod-2)每

Abstract: This research describes the electrical power generation in Malaysia by the measurement of wind velocity acting on the wind turbine technology. The primary purpose of the measurement over the 1/3 scaled prototype vertical axis wind turbine for the wind velocity is to predict the performance of full scaled H-type vertical axis wind turbine. The electrical power produced by the wind turbine is influenced by its two major part, wind power and belt power transmission system. The blade and the drag area system are used to determine the powers of the wind that can be converted into electric power as well as the belt power transmission system. In this study both wind power and belt power transmission system has been considered. A set of blade and drag devices have been designed for the 1/3 scaled wind turbine at the Thermal Laboratory of Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Industri Selangor (UNISEL). Test has been carried out on the wind turbine with the different wind velocities of 5.89 m/s, 6.08 m/s and 7.02 m/s. From the experiment, the wind power has been calculated as 132.19 W, 145.40 W and 223.80W.The maximum wind power is considered in the present study.
Keywords: Belt power transmission system; Reynolds number; wind power; wind turbine

INTRODUCTION Wind energy is the kinetic energy associated with the movement of atmospheric air. It has been used for hundreds of years for sailing, grinding grain, and for irrigation. Wind energy systems convert this kinetic energy to more useful forms of power. Wind energy systems for irrigation and milling have been in use since ancient times and since the beginning of the 20th century, it is being used to generate electric power. Windmills for water pumping have been installed in many countries particularly in the rural areas.
Wind turbine is a machine that converts the wind's kinetic energy i