

关于plc的文献翻译-------工业控制系统和协同控制系统,looking at today’s control system one can find a wide variety of implementations. from pure industrial to collaborative control system (ccs) tool kits to home g...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

Looking at today’s control system one can find a wide variety of implementations. From pure industrial to collaborative control system (CCS) tool kits to home grown systems and any variation in-between. Decisions on the type of implementation should be driven by technical arguments Reality shows that financial and sociological reasons form the complete picture. Any decision has it’s advantages and it’s drawbacks. Reliability, good documentation and support are arguments for industrial controls. Financial arguments drive decisions towards collaborative tools. Keeping the hands on the source code and being able to solve problems on your own and faster than industry are the argument for home grown solutions or open source solutions. The experience of many years of operations shows that which solution is the primary one does not matter, there are always areas where at least part of the other implementations exist. As a result heterogeneous systems have to be maintained. The support for different protocols is essential. This paper describes our experience with industrial control systems, PLC controlled turn key systems, the CCS tool kit EPICS and the operability between all of them.

当今的控制系统被广泛运用于许多领域。从单纯的工业控制系统到协同控制系统(CCS),控制系统不停变化,不断升级,现在则趋向于家庭控制系统,而它则是这两者的变种。被应用的控制系统的种类取决于技术要求。而且,实践表明,经济和社会因素也对此很重要。任何决定都有它的优缺点。工业控制要求可靠性,完整的文献记载和技术支持。经济因素使决定趋向于协同工具。能够亲自接触源码并可以更快速地解决问题是家庭控制系统的要求。多年的操作经验表明哪个解决方法是最主要的不重要,重要的是哪个可行。由于异类系统的存在,针对不同协议的支持也是至关重要的。本文介绍工业控制系统,PlC controlled turn key系统,和CCS工具,以及它们之间的操作。
有必要增加接口解决总线问题并增加运算能力,以便于低温控制。因为已安装的D / 3系统[1] 只提供了与多总线板串行连接,以实现DMA与VME的连接并用其模拟多总线板的功能。温度转换器的计算功能来自一个摩托罗拉MVME 167 CPU和总线适配器,以及一个MVME 162 CPU。其操作系统是VxWorks,而应用程序是EPICS。