关于电铸镍壳在注塑模具中应用的技术研究--------塑料模具外文翻译,摘要本文将对如何使用电芯作为重要核心问题对有关注塑模具进行分析总结。过去很多年里,我们已经广泛的开发利用了快速成型技术以及快速模具技术.利用差分系统快速成型技术制造外壳模型的主要目的是分析电铸镍壳力学特征、 研究相关金相组织结构,硬度数值,内部压力等几个不同方面,利用这些特征参数以生产电铸设备的外壳. 此外检验注塑模具...

此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
摘 要
本文将对如何使用电芯作为重要核心问题对有关注塑模具进行分析总结。过去很多年里,我们已经广泛的开发利用了快速成型技术以及快速模具技术.利用差分系统快速成型技术制造外壳模型的主要目的是分析电铸镍壳力学特征、 研究相关金相组织结构,硬度数值,内部压力等几个不同方面,利用这些特征参数以生产电铸设备的外壳. 此外检验注塑模具是最后的一个关键部分.
1. 引言
对于现代工业来说,一个很大的挑战是怎么样提供更好的产品给消费者,此外还有很多关于产品种类和更新换代的问题。所以说,现代工业一定会有更多的竞争性。 另外,让时间与质量完美的结合起来并不容易。因为他们很多时候是互为条件。一个质量合格的新产品在市场上生产出来需要越来越少的时间,这是一种要求。快速模具制造技术基本上是一个中小型系列的收集程序,在很短的时间内在可接受的精度水平基础上让我们获得模具的塑料部件。其应用不仅在更加广阔而且生产也不断增多。
2 生产制造过程中的注塑模具
The mold is an important process on the basis of the manufacturing sector, belong to the special equipment manufacturing industry in the mold and die industry. Although China has already started making the molds and the use of molds, but long-term without the formation of industry. Until the late 1980s, China's mold industry before entering the fast lane. In recent years, not only state-owned mold companies has made significant progress, foreign-funded enterprises, township (individual) mold the development of enterprises is also quite rapid.The techniques of rapid prototyping and rapid tooling have been widely developed during the last years. In this article, electroforming as a procedure to make cores for plastics injection molds is analysed. Shells are obtained from models manufactured through rapid prototyping using the FDM system. The main objective is to analyze the mechanical features of electroformed nickel shells, studying different aspects related to their metallographic structure, hardness, internal stresses and possible failures, by relating
本文将对如何使用电芯作为重要核心问题对有关注塑模具进行分析总结。过去很多年里,我们已经广泛的开发利用了快速成型技术以及快速模具技术.利用差分系统快速成型技术制造外壳模型的主要目的是分析电铸镍壳力学特征、 研究相关金相组织结构,硬度数值,内部压力等几个不同方面,利用这些特征参数以生产电铸设备的外壳. 此外检验注塑模具是最后的一个关键部分.
1. 引言
对于现代工业来说,一个很大的挑战是怎么样提供更好的产品给消费者,此外还有很多关于产品种类和更新换代的问题。所以说,现代工业一定会有更多的竞争性。 另外,让时间与质量完美的结合起来并不容易。因为他们很多时候是互为条件。一个质量合格的新产品在市场上生产出来需要越来越少的时间,这是一种要求。快速模具制造技术基本上是一个中小型系列的收集程序,在很短的时间内在可接受的精度水平基础上让我们获得模具的塑料部件。其应用不仅在更加广阔而且生产也不断增多。
2 生产制造过程中的注塑模具
The mold is an important process on the basis of the manufacturing sector, belong to the special equipment manufacturing industry in the mold and die industry. Although China has already started making the molds and the use of molds, but long-term without the formation of industry. Until the late 1980s, China's mold industry before entering the fast lane. In recent years, not only state-owned mold companies has made significant progress, foreign-funded enterprises, township (individual) mold the development of enterprises is also quite rapid.The techniques of rapid prototyping and rapid tooling have been widely developed during the last years. In this article, electroforming as a procedure to make cores for plastics injection molds is analysed. Shells are obtained from models manufactured through rapid prototyping using the FDM system. The main objective is to analyze the mechanical features of electroformed nickel shells, studying different aspects related to their metallographic structure, hardness, internal stresses and possible failures, by relating