

机械类外文文献翻译------论药品包装机械的概念设计,in recent years, carry out gmp (medicines and chemical reagents produces specifications of quality) attestation system because of sustained our country economic...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

In recent years, Carry out GMP (medicines and chemical reagents produces specifications of quality) attestation system because of sustained our country economic situation rise and country to pharmacy industry mandatory. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery has got quite great progress. The new product increases by gradually. Engineering level has had very big improvement. But be returning very big gaps back to existence compared with international standards. Level being close to 60%'s product cannot to reach upper developed country century eighties. Large-scale advanced equipment is dependent on entrance mainly. Low our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery engineering level is that the design designing personnel low level from our country enterprise arouses to a great extent.
One, our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery current situation analyses
Our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery still has bigger gap compared with advanced international level. What time is insufficient on domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design under main existence
1) 机械性能落后,国产药品包装机械大多精度低、速度慢、平稳性差。包装机械运转过程包含大量复杂的间歇式运动,主要由凸轮、连杆来实现。然而许多设计人员不会根据工作循环图和精度要求独立设计计算凸轮连杆机构的运动学和动力学参数,只是简单的把国外样机的凸轮连杆零件拆卸下来进行逐点测绘,造成执行机构误差很大。国产药品包装机械大多运行速度较低,如铝塑泡罩包装机的冲裁频率一般为100~300个/min,全自动药盒包装机的装盒速度50~200盒/min,而国际上先进的铝塑泡罩包装机的冲裁频率能够达到600个/min,全自动药盒包装机的装盒速度能够达到600~ 800盒/min。国产药品包装机械不仅运行速度慢,而且还伴有较大的噪音。
2) 控制水平落后。国产药品包装机械大多控制水平低、自动