此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
1 引言
Abstract: A new design solution of data access layer for N-tier architecture is presented. It can solve the problems such as low efficiency of development and difficulties in transplantation update and reuse. The solution utilizes the reflection technology of .NET and design pattern. A typical application of the solution demonstrates that the new solution of data access layer performs better than the current N-tier architecture. More importantly, the application suggests that the new solution of data access layer can be reused effectively.
Keywords: N-tier architecture; data access layer; reflection technology; reuse
1 Introduction
1 引言
Abstract: A new design solution of data access layer for N-tier architecture is presented. It can solve the problems such as low efficiency of development and difficulties in transplantation update and reuse. The solution utilizes the reflection technology of .NET and design pattern. A typical application of the solution demonstrates that the new solution of data access layer performs better than the current N-tier architecture. More importantly, the application suggests that the new solution of data access layer can be reused effectively.
Keywords: N-tier architecture; data access layer; reflection technology; reuse
1 Introduction
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