

基于差动变压器的硬币鉴伪及币值识别系统---------外文翻译(外文原文+中文翻译),no public transport ticketing system has a lot to promote use of car, bus companies have given fake coins causing huge economic losses, these problems also exis...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

No public transport ticketing system has a lot to promote use of car, bus companies have given fake coins causing huge economic losses, these problems also exist in the vending machines, pay phones, game consoles, bank coin sorting machine.Real-time, accurate, and automate the identification of coins and currency counterfeit Kam, is technically achievable.The characteristics of a coin material, weight, color, thickness, diameter and surface patterns, etc., which can be used to identify coins.In order to achieve both coins and currency counterfeit identification Kam, the main use of coins in the material characteristics.Eddy current sensor is used most in the form of access to the sensor coil as the inductor three-capacitor oscillator circuit, the application of resonant oscillation frequency measurement circuit.Every dollar coin has a characteristic oscillation frequency, will they advance into the single chip EPROM.When the coin through the sensor, the oscillation frequency of circuit changes, the measured oscillation frequency and characteristics of oscillation frequency compared to determine the authenticity of coins and currency.But the oscillation circuit is affected by temperature and other environmental factors influenced this aspect of baseline characteristics reduced the oscillation frequency stored adaptability, it also makes the measurement of the oscillation frequency fl

公交系统的无人售票车已经大量推广使用,假硬币已经给公交企业造成巨大的经济损失,这些问题也同样存在于自动售货机、投币电话、游戏机、银行硬币分检机中。实时、准确、自动地实现硬币鉴伪与币值识别,在技术上是可以实现的。硬币的特征有材质、重量、颜色、厚度、直径和表面图案等,它们都可以用于硬币鉴别。为了同时实现硬币鉴伪与币值识别,主要利用硬币的材质特征。电涡流传感器是目前采用最多的形式,把传感器线圈作为电感接入电容三点式振荡电路中,应用谐振法测量电路的振荡频率。每一种币值的硬币都有一特征振荡频率, 将它们预先存入单片机的EPROM 中。当硬币经过传感器时,振荡电路的频率变化,将测得的振荡频率与特征振荡频率比较,以判别硬币的真伪和币值。但振荡电路受温度等环境因素的影响较大,这一方面降低了预存的基准特征振荡频率的适应性,另一方面也使得实测的振荡频率波动范围变大。这样,温度等环境因素将导致系统的误判率加大,即使进行复杂的温度补偿,效果也不太理想。本文研制了一种基于差动变压器的硬币鉴伪及币值识别系统,其主要的技术要求:有较强的鉴别伪币的能力; 能正确区分目前国内流通的6 种面值的硬币,并具有一定的柔性,以便适应新的币种;鉴币时间小于每次500ms;受温度等环境因素影响极小;结构简单紧凑,加工工艺性好;价格便宜。