

家庭政策传统-----外文翻译原文及译文,the family policy legacy of germany is essentially a story of a strong male breadwinner-female caregiver regime to which progressive modifications are gradually...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

The family policy legacy of Germany is essentially a story of a strong male breadwinner-female caregiver regime to which progressive modifications are gradually made from the 1980s on wards, after which paradigmatic changes unfold in 2000s. In the fist three decades of the postwar era, it was overwhelmingly the responsibility in West Germany of the “non-working”mother to provide the necessary social services for family members.
Accordingly, the male breadwinner’s wage had to be high enough, in principle, to support the whole family above the subsistence level. In addition to a number of collective bargaining agreements(especially in the public sector), the state supported this approach through a system of joint taxation and child (tax) allowances.
If a mother had young children,employment outside the family or outside the family business was considered legitimate only if the woman was "forced" to work out of economic necessity.Based on these normative principles,the state largely refrained form providing social services in a setting where state childcare facilities were dismisses as potentially harmful to the personal development of children ,especially pre-school were expected to dedicate themselves to their role as mothers,it seemed all but impossible to significantly expand female labor force participation in the 1960s,even though Germany's booming economy was crying out for workers.At the time,importing immigrant labor was hence the preferred solution

德国的家庭政策传统是男性挣钱养家,女性带孩子。这种情形从20世纪80年代开始逐渐改变,21世纪时发生巨大的变化。在西德,战后第一个30年,没工作的女性必然要承担起照看家庭的责任(奈德哈特cf.Neidhardt 1978)。
对于有婴幼儿的女性来说,只有出于经济需求,“被迫”外出工作的情况下,才能从事家庭或家庭事物之外的工作。若儿童福利机构对儿童个人的发展有碍,国家就不允许将儿童送往这些机构,所以只能母亲在家照顾孩子,尤其针对学龄前儿童(穆勒Moeller 1933,179),母亲会把她们的所有精力全部投入到母亲这一角色中,基于这些标准规范,在20世纪70年代大量扩张女性劳动力似