建筑业职业工人对生产要素的观念影响他们的生产力-----外文翻译,摘要:一个包括 1,996个职业工人的全国性的调查,在努力定量职业工人关于工程生产力的看法。调查定量了83个相对矛盾的生产力要素,这一调查结果被一系列讨论机构所认同和支持,这些机构中包括在美国各地的管理施工工地的职业工人们。调查结果显示职业工人们拥有一个好的有关生产要素的概念确实会影响到他们的日常生产,并且大部分对抗性...
此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
摘要:一个包括 1,996个职业工人的全国性的调查,在努力定量职业工人关于工程生产力的看法。调查定量了83个相对矛盾的生产力要素,这一调查结果被一系列讨论机构所认同和支持,这些机构中包括在美国各地的管理施工工地的职业工人们。调查结果显示职业工人们拥有一个好的有关生产要素的概念确实会影响到他们的日常生产,并且大部分对抗性因素可以被工地管理队伍控制和处理。在职业工人的观念中生产要素被认为是对施工生产产生深远影响的;生产要素包括:工具,可消费品,材料,工程图管理和工程设备。一个统计学的比较分析被用于区分当重要的生产要素与职业工人们相对低下的生产经验杂合在一起的时候。调查基于调查者协会的情况和商业条件进一步的审查生产力要素对建筑工程施工的影响中生产要素的重要性的不同。这些调查结果将有利于职业工人提高生产力和提高其效率的施工作业。
人们普遍认为,从上世纪六十年代以来美国的建筑施工劳动生产力大幅度削弱。1980年完成的研究报告说,1968年和1980年之间建设实际产出(增值)每小时降了一个年增长率,减少值为2.4至2.8%(阿伦1985,BRT 1983,斯托克斯1981)近期的研究使用建筑宏观经济的数据发现劳工生产力在1999年继续下降0.48%(特克劳斯2001)。虽然这些用宏观经济衡量建筑施工生产力显示结果是在逐渐减少,但研究微观经济学的学者们却提出了相反的意见。在最近使用微观经济学的研究中,Goodrum等人(2002年)作报告说,通过200例抽样显示,劳工生产力的年增长率从1976年到1998年被改善了1.2%。无论是微观方案显示生产力被改进还是宏观方案指出相反的意见,改善劳动生产力的机会是明显存在Abstract: In efforts to quantify craft workers’ perspective of construction productivity, a nationwide survey involving 1,996 craft workers was employed. The survey quantified the relative impact of 83 productivity factors, which had been identified through a series of focus group sessions involving craft workers conducted on construction jobsites located throughout the United States. The findings show that
craft workers do have a good understanding of the factors affecting their daily productivity, and most of the adversarial factors affecting
productivity can be addressed by site management teams. Factors involving tools and consumables, materials, engineering drawing management and construction equipment were identified as having the greatest impact on productivity from the craft workers’ perspective.
A statistical comparative analysis was employed to distinguish the significant factors encountered by craft workers on projects with
relatively low perceived productivity. The research further examined the differences in the perceived relative magnitude of productivity
factors’ influence on construction productivity based on respondents’ union status and trade. These findings will be beneficial for engaging craft workers in productivity improvement and improving the efficiency of construction jobsites.
CE Database subject headings: Productivity; Labor; Construction sites; Construction management; Statistics.
人们普遍认为,从上世纪六十年代以来美国的建筑施工劳动生产力大幅度削弱。1980年完成的研究报告说,1968年和1980年之间建设实际产出(增值)每小时降了一个年增长率,减少值为2.4至2.8%(阿伦1985,BRT 1983,斯托克斯1981)近期的研究使用建筑宏观经济的数据发现劳工生产力在1999年继续下降0.48%(特克劳斯2001)。虽然这些用宏观经济衡量建筑施工生产力显示结果是在逐渐减少,但研究微观经济学的学者们却提出了相反的意见。在最近使用微观经济学的研究中,Goodrum等人(2002年)作报告说,通过200例抽样显示,劳工生产力的年增长率从1976年到1998年被改善了1.2%。无论是微观方案显示生产力被改进还是宏观方案指出相反的意见,改善劳动生产力的机会是明显存在Abstract: In efforts to quantify craft workers’ perspective of construction productivity, a nationwide survey involving 1,996 craft workers was employed. The survey quantified the relative impact of 83 productivity factors, which had been identified through a series of focus group sessions involving craft workers conducted on construction jobsites located throughout the United States. The findings show that
craft workers do have a good understanding of the factors affecting their daily productivity, and most of the adversarial factors affecting
productivity can be addressed by site management teams. Factors involving tools and consumables, materials, engineering drawing management and construction equipment were identified as having the greatest impact on productivity from the craft workers’ perspective.
A statistical comparative analysis was employed to distinguish the significant factors encountered by craft workers on projects with
relatively low perceived productivity. The research further examined the differences in the perceived relative magnitude of productivity
factors’ influence on construction productivity based on respondents’ union status and trade. These findings will be beneficial for engaging craft workers in productivity improvement and improving the efficiency of construction jobsites.
CE Database subject headings: Productivity; Labor; Construction sites; Construction management; Statistics.