

日本钢桥建筑的近期发展趋向-----道桥方向外文翻译,abstractin this paper, consideration is given on recent trends in, steel bridge construction in japan. as far as recent trends are concerned, it is observed tha...
分类: 论文>外文翻译


此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

Abstract In this paper, consideration is given on recent trends in, steel bridge construction in Japan. As far as recent trends are concerned, it is observed that the construction of long and big steel bridges has practically been completed. Consequently, the focus of recent main works is the maintenance of superannuated (averaged) bridges and the seismic retrofitting of existing bridges. The refreshment and regeneration of some superannuated bridges is also needed recently in order to mitigate the uncomfortable influence of these bridges on their surrounding environment. For this purpose, maintenance and retrofitting works should be economically reasonable jobs. The necessity and importance of these works should be understood by the nation through retrofitting existing bridges against disasters and mitigating the unfavorable influence of bridge structures on the bridge environment on the basis of the code of ethics for civil engineers promulgated by JSCE. Moreover, bridge engineers should seek better social status and the bridge engineering field should become attractive to young students who will bear the future of this field.

摘要: 在本文中,探讨了日本钢桥建筑的最近发展趋向。一提到最近趋向,我们就会发现长和大的钢桥建设实际已经完成了。于是最近主要工作焦点是老化桥梁和现有桥梁的地震改型维护。为了缓和一些老化桥梁对他们周围的环境产生不利的影响对这些桥梁进行恢复和重建是由必要的。为此,维护和改型工作应该是经济合理的工作。国家应该以JSCE公布的土木工程师工程规范为基础来改型现有的桥梁,使这些桥梁能够抵御灾害和缓和桥梁对周围环境的不利影响,以此来了解这些工作的必要性和重要性。而且,桥梁工程师应该寻求更好的社会地位,并且桥梁工程学领域应该对将承担未来这个领域的青年学生变得更有吸引力。
1.1 建筑趋向
尤其是通过对由1995年发生的Hyogo-ken Nambu地震造成的钢结构的破坏的调查,我们知道新桥的抗震设计和现有钢桥的抗震改型是非常重要的,目的是运用钢桥构件和结构的延展性。许多桥梁修理和结构的地震改型工作由于地震的发生而被破坏,但是这些工作在不久的将来归于完成。钢桥中损坏的部分主要分为桥墩、承力构件和保护桥梁不倒