搅拌机的传动装置设计,目录 设计方案分析11.1 原始数据分析1 电机选择12.1 电动机类型的选择1 2.2 选择电动机2装置运动动力参数计算33.1 传动装置总传动比和分配各级传动比33.2 传动装置的运动和动力参数计算3齿轮设计44.1 高速级齿轮设计4第五章轴承、联轴器和轴的设计12第六章校核轴及键的强度和轴承寿...

此文档由会员 汉子的 发布搅拌机的传动装置设计
1.1 原始数据分析………………………………………………………………1
2.1 电动机类型的选择…………………………………………………………1 2.2 选择电动机…………………………………………………………………2
3.1 传动装置总传动比和分配各级传动比………………………………………3
3.2 传动装置的运动和动力参数计算……………………………………………3
4.1 高速级齿轮设计……………………………………………………………4
第五章 轴承、联轴器和轴的设计……………………………………………12
第六章 校核轴及键的强度和轴承寿命……………………………………16
6.1 中间轴……………………………………………………………………16
第七章 润滑方式……………………………………………………………24
第八章 减速器附件…………………………………………………………24
专业班级: 学生姓名:
指导老师: 职称:
摘要 本次论文设计的题目是“搅拌机传动装置设计”。首先介绍了搅拌机传动装置的研究背景和相关内容;根据搅拌机传动装置的结构设计,论述电动机,传动装置的总传动比及其分配,传动装置的运动和动力装置参数,带传动设计,密封与润滑轴承的选择,轴的设计,键的选择,减速机箱体的设计,减速器附件设计,齿轮传动设计,齿轮和轴的选择及其基本参数的选择和几何尺寸的计算,两个主要强度的验算,联轴器的选用。
关键字:减速器 齿轮 轴承 轴 联轴器
The design of transmission device of mixer
Abstract The topic of this paper designed belt conveyor gear design. First introduces the research background and content of the belt conveyor gear; discussed the total transmission ratio of the motor, transmission and its distribution, movement and power transmission device parameters according to the structural design of the belt conveyor gear with drive design, the choice of the sealed and lubricated bearings, shaft design, the choice of the key, the design of the reducer casing, reducer attachment design, the gear drive design, the gear and the shaft selection and its basic parameters of the selection and the calculation of the geometrical dimensions two main strength checking, the selection of the coupling.
Opening report writing, writing graduation design specification, translation of foreign materials. For graduating students, the biggest achievement of the design is the integrated use of mechanical design, mechanical drawing, machinery manufacturing base metal material and heat treatment, tolerance and technology measurement, theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, mechanical principles, computer application infrastructure and other basic theory, engineering and production of practical knowledge.
Master the mechanical design of the general procedure, method, design rules and technical measures, combined with production practice, cultivate the ability to analyze and solve practical problems in general engineering with mechanical transmission, a simple mechanical design and manufacturing.
Keywords: Gear bearing shaft couplings