

外文翻译-----电子商务与旅游业,电子商务与旅游业摘要  电子商务的鼎盛时期已经过去还是仅仅只是在休整?商业和股市期望没有得到满足。但是,抛去其强硬的经济问题和数量稀少旅客,电子商务在诸如旅游和旅游业的网上交易的一些部门依然不断增加。这个行业是在b2c(企业对消费者)领域的领导型应用。而在其他行业有较强的坚持传统工艺,旅游业正经历一个电子商务的接受过程...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

  在2002年美国在线旅游市场增长了45%至27亿元。占市场总值的14.4%,欧洲在线旅游增加了67%,占市场总额的3.6%(根据区域与旅游研究,www.crt.dk丹麦中心)。同年美国32%的旅客已使用互联网预订旅游安排(见www.nua.com/surveys/)。预测到2007年30%的B2C交易在欧洲的德国将在互联网上完成。然而 ,其他的市场研究机构发布其他,高和低,编号。这些统计数据问题,他们是基于不同,要么宽或窄、定义:要么区分:电子商务和电子商务(看到后者作为部分的第一)或不是 ,并且使用不同的变量和测量方法。但是,即使证明不同的定义,给出了所有的统计数字旅游域点向上。然而,在所有这些定义亏缺了一个重要方面我们可以看出在旅游案例:他们是所有交易和商业导向和忽略了这个事实,即网络也是一个中等的好奇心、创建社区或刚一件有趣的事,所有这一切都可能发生,也可能不会获得业务。特别是旅游产品与情感体验,有趣但并不仅仅是业务。

Has e-commerce past its prime or just resting? Business and stock market expectations have not been fulfilled. However, in some sectors such as the travel and tourism industry online transactions are continuously increasing, despite its tough economic problems and fewer travelers. This industry is the leading application in the B2C (business-to-consumer) arena. Whereas in other industries there is a stronger hold to traditional processes, the tourism industry is witnessing an acceptance of e-commerce to the extent that the structure of the industry is changing. The net is used not only for information gathering; there is an acceptance of ordering services over the Internet. A new type of user is emerging, who seems to accept to become his own travel agent and to build his travel package.
In 2002 the US online travel market increased by 45% up to 27 Bn. U$, accounting for 14.4% of the total travel market; and in Europe the online travel increased by 67%, making up 3.6 % of the total market (according to the Danish Center for Regional and Tourism Research, www.crt.dk). In the same year 32 % of US travelers have used the Internet to book travel arrangements (see www.nua.com/surveys/). And [9] forecasts that by 2007 30% of all B2C transaction in the European German speaking countries will be done via the Internet. However, other market research institutes publish other, both higher and lower, numbers. These statistics have the problem that they are based on varying, either broad or narrow, definitions: either distinguishi