论伍子胥形象的历史演变,页数 11 字数 9523【内容摘要】:伍子胥为父兄复仇的故事,是春秋末年著名的报仇故事,历来为后人所注目。历代的史传、文学典籍中多有关于伍子胥故事的记载。探究这些典籍,我们可以发现,伍子胥由最初的忠烈形象逐渐演变为性格内涵丰富多样的世俗的人的形象。本文就从史传系统、民间系统和文人系统三方面展开论...

此文档由会员 赵亮 发布
页数 11 字数 9523
【Abstract】:The story of Wu Zixu is the famous story of revenging in Spring and Autumn.Many people are always caught up in it.This paper holds the aim that by studying the historical work and literature work of different period,it has analysed Wu Zixu’s image in the three systems which are historical system,folk system,scholar’s system,and announce the different and development of his image in the three systems.
【Key Word】:Wu Zixu Image Development
[1](春秋)左丘明撰 《左传》 岳麓书社1988年
[2]上海师范大学古籍整理组校点 《国语》 上海古籍出版社1978年
[3](西汉)刘向集录 《战国策》 上海古籍出版社1978年
[4](战国)韩非子撰 《韩非子》 江苏人民出版社1982年
[5](秦)吕不韦撰 《吕氏春秋》 吉林文史出版社1986年
页数 11 字数 9523
【Abstract】:The story of Wu Zixu is the famous story of revenging in Spring and Autumn.Many people are always caught up in it.This paper holds the aim that by studying the historical work and literature work of different period,it has analysed Wu Zixu’s image in the three systems which are historical system,folk system,scholar’s system,and announce the different and development of his image in the three systems.
【Key Word】:Wu Zixu Image Development
[1](春秋)左丘明撰 《左传》 岳麓书社1988年
[2]上海师范大学古籍整理组校点 《国语》 上海古籍出版社1978年
[3](西汉)刘向集录 《战国策》 上海古籍出版社1978年
[4](战国)韩非子撰 《韩非子》 江苏人民出版社1982年
[5](秦)吕不韦撰 《吕氏春秋》 吉林文史出版社1986年