8-2 简支梁布局------外文翻译.doc
8-2 简支梁布局------外文翻译,一个简单的预应力混凝土梁由两个危险截面控制:最大弯矩截面和端截面。这两部分设计好之后,中间截面一定要单独检查,必要时其他部位也要单独调查。最大弯矩截面在以下两种荷载阶段为控制情况,即传递时梁受最小弯矩mg的初始阶段和最大设计弯矩mt时的工作荷载阶段。而端截面则由抗剪强度、支承垫板、锚头间距和千斤顶净空所需要的面积来决定...
此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
一个简单的预应力混凝土梁由两个危险截面控制:最大弯矩截面和端截面。这两部分设计好之后,中间截面一定要单独检查,必要时其他部位也要单独调查。最大弯矩截面在以下两种荷载阶段为控制情况,即传递时梁受最小弯矩MG的初始阶段和最大设计弯矩MT时的工作荷载阶段。而端截面则由抗剪强度、支承垫板、锚头间距和千斤顶净空所需要的面积来决定。所有的中间截面是由一个或多个上述要求,根它们与上述两种危险截面的距离来控制。对于后张构件的一种常见的布置方式是在最大弯矩截面采用诸如I形或T形的截面,而在接近梁端处逐渐过渡到简单的矩形截面。这就是人们通常所说的后张构件的端块。对于用长线法生产的先张构件,为了便于生产,全部只用一种等截面,其截面形状则可以为I形、双T形或空心的。在第5 、 6 和7章节中已经阐明了个别截面的设计,下面论述简支梁钢索的总布置。
首先考虑先张梁,如图 8-7,这里最好采用直线钢索,因为它们在两个台座之间加力比较容易。我们先从图(a)的等截面直梁的直线钢索开始讨论。这样的布置都很简单,但这样一来,就不是很经济的设计了,因为跨中和梁端的要求会产生冲突。通常发生在跨度中央的最大弯矩截面中的钢索,最好尽量放低,以便尽可能提供最大力臂而提供最大的内部抵制力矩。当跨度中央的梁自重弯矩MG相当大时,就可以把c.g.s布置在截面核心范围以下很远的地方,而不致在传递时在顶部纤维中引起拉应力。然而对于梁端截面却有一套完全不同的要求。由于在梁端没有外
The layout of a simple prestressed-concrete beam is controlled by two critical sections: the maximum moment and the end sections. After these sections are designed, intermediate ones can often be determined by inspection but should be separately investigated when necessary. The maximum moment section is controlled by two loading stages, the initial stage at transfer with minimum moment MG acting on the beam and the working-load stage with maximum design moment MT. The end sections are controlled by area required for share resistance, bearing plates, anchorage spacings, and jacking clearances. All intermediate sections are designed by one or more of the above requirements, depending on their respective distances from the above controlling sections. A common arrangement for posttensioned members is to employ some shape, such as I or T, for the maximum moment section and to round it out into a simple rectangular shape near the ends. This is commonly referred to as the end block for posttensioned members. For pretensioned members, produced on a long line process, a uniform I, double-T, or cored section is employed throughout, in order to facilitate production. The design for individual sections having been explained in Chapters 5, 6, and 7,the general cable layout of simple beams will now be discussed.
The layout of a beam can be adjusted by varying both the concrete and the steel. The section of concrete can be varied as to its height, width, shape, and the curvature of its soffit or extrados. The steel can be varied occasionally in its area but mostly in its position relative to the centroidal axis of concrete. By adjusting these variables, many combinations of layout are possible to suit different loading conditions. This is quite different from the design of reinforced-concrete beams, where the usual layout is either a uniform rectangular section or a uniform T-section and the position of steel is always as near the bottom fibers as is possible.
首先考虑先张梁,如图 8-7,这里最好采用直线钢索,因为它们在两个台座之间加力比较容易。我们先从图(a)的等截面直梁的直线钢索开始讨论。这样的布置都很简单,但这样一来,就不是很经济的设计了,因为跨中和梁端的要求会产生冲突。通常发生在跨度中央的最大弯矩截面中的钢索,最好尽量放低,以便尽可能提供最大力臂而提供最大的内部抵制力矩。当跨度中央的梁自重弯矩MG相当大时,就可以把c.g.s布置在截面核心范围以下很远的地方,而不致在传递时在顶部纤维中引起拉应力。然而对于梁端截面却有一套完全不同的要求。由于在梁端没有外
The layout of a simple prestressed-concrete beam is controlled by two critical sections: the maximum moment and the end sections. After these sections are designed, intermediate ones can often be determined by inspection but should be separately investigated when necessary. The maximum moment section is controlled by two loading stages, the initial stage at transfer with minimum moment MG acting on the beam and the working-load stage with maximum design moment MT. The end sections are controlled by area required for share resistance, bearing plates, anchorage spacings, and jacking clearances. All intermediate sections are designed by one or more of the above requirements, depending on their respective distances from the above controlling sections. A common arrangement for posttensioned members is to employ some shape, such as I or T, for the maximum moment section and to round it out into a simple rectangular shape near the ends. This is commonly referred to as the end block for posttensioned members. For pretensioned members, produced on a long line process, a uniform I, double-T, or cored section is employed throughout, in order to facilitate production. The design for individual sections having been explained in Chapters 5, 6, and 7,the general cable layout of simple beams will now be discussed.
The layout of a beam can be adjusted by varying both the concrete and the steel. The section of concrete can be varied as to its height, width, shape, and the curvature of its soffit or extrados. The steel can be varied occasionally in its area but mostly in its position relative to the centroidal axis of concrete. By adjusting these variables, many combinations of layout are possible to suit different loading conditions. This is quite different from the design of reinforced-concrete beams, where the usual layout is either a uniform rectangular section or a uniform T-section and the position of steel is always as near the bottom fibers as is possible.