外文翻译-----加拿大建筑物文摘 ——火焰传播(原文+译文).doc


外文翻译-----加拿大建筑物文摘 ——火焰传播(原文+译文),the possible rate and extent of fire spread throughout a building once a fire has been initiated are of prime importance in fire protection. they are related to...
分类: 论文>外文翻译


此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

The possible rate and extent of fire spread throughout a building once a fire has been initiated are of prime importance in fire protection. They are related to the characteristics of the individual building and its parts and can be adjusted over a wide range by the designer. The principal means at his disposal in limiting the extent of the fire is through the use of compartmentation (see CBD's 11 and 33), by which various parts of the building, including exits, are separated by constructions having suitable fire endurance. The designer may also have to consider how best to reduce the rate at which fire will develop and spread within a compartment. This is in part related to the flame spread characteristics of exposed surfaces of enclosing construction, and is the subject of this Digest.

当建筑物发生火灾时,火苗传播的可能速度以及范围在防火过程中起着极为重要的作用。它们根据建筑物特征以及构造而不同,设计者也可以对其进行很大程度的调整,主要方法是采用分隔措施(见 CBD's 11 和 33),即包括出口在内的各部分都由具有合适抗火性的建筑隔离开来。设计者同样也要考虑每个分隔间内怎样能够减少火灾形成以及传播的速度,这不仅与其外部构造特点有关,同样也是这一文摘的主题部分。
火的性质以及在每个分隔区内的传播方式已经在CBD 31 中讨论过了。不同情况下,火灾的传播也不同,但是经验表明,建筑物内部性质很大程度影响着火灾传播速度。内部材料的可燃性决定着分隔区内火灾产生的可能性以及传播的速度。