

外文文献翻译——基于热释电红外传感器的智能家居室内感应定位系统,abstract — smart home is expected to offer various intelligent services by recognizing residents along with their life style and feelings. one of the key issues...
分类: 论文>外文翻译


此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

Abstract — Smart home is expected to offer various intelligent services by recognizing residents along with their life style and feelings. One of the key issues for realizing the smart home is how to detect the locations of residents. Currently, the research effort is focused on two approaches: terminal-based and non-terminal-based methods. The terminal -based method employs a type of device that should be carried by the resident while the non-terminal-based method requires no such device. This paper presents a novel non-terminal-based approach using an array of pyroelectric infrared sensors (PIR sensors) that can detect residents. The feasibility of the system is eva luated experimentally on a test bed.
Index Terms — smart home, location-based service, pyroelectric infrared sensor (PIR sensor), location-recognition algorithm
I. 简介
现在由于人人都想有一个方便,舒适,安全的居住环境,因此大家对于智能家居表现的越来越感兴趣[1] [2]。一般来说,智能家居旨在提供合适的智能服务来积极促进住户更好的生活,比如家务劳动,娱乐,休息和睡眠。因此,为了提高住户的便捷和安全,像家用电器,多媒体设备和互联网设备应通过家庭网络系统连接在一起,如图1所示。并且它们应通过电视或个人数字助理(PDA)来控制或远程监控[3] [4]。