

谐波--------电力方向毕业设计英文文献翻译(附中文),service reliability and quality of power have become growing concerns for many facility managers, especially with the increasing sensitivity of electronic equip...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

Service reliability and quality of power have become growing concerns for many facility managers, especially with the increasing sensitivity of electronic equipment and automated controls. There are several types of voltage fluctuations that can cause problems, including surges and spikes, sags, harmonic distortion, and momentary disruptions. Harmonics can cause sensitive equipment to malfunction and other problems, including overheating of transformers and wiring, nuisance breaker trips, and reduced power factor.
What Are Harmonics?
Harmonics are voltage and current frequencies riding on top of the normal sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms. Usually these harmonic frequencies are in multiples of the fundamental frequency, which is 60 hertz (Hz) in the US and Canada. The most common source of harmonic distortion is electronic equipment using switch-mode power supplies, such as computers, adjustable-speed drives, and high-efficiency electronic light ballasts.
谐波波形的特点是其振幅和谐波级次。在美国和加拿大,三次谐波为180赫兹或3 × 60赫兹和第五次谐波为300赫兹(5 × 60赫兹)。第三谐波(和它的倍数)是在单相负载电