

瑜伽是任何地方任何人的-------外文翻译,this year, supermodel christy turlington made the cover of time magazine in a classic yoga posture. movie stars such as madonna, gwenyth paltrow and willem dafo...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

This year, supermodel Christy Turlington made the cover of Time magazine in a classic yoga posture. Movie stars such as Madonna, Gwenyth Paltrow and Willem Dafoe often are captured by the paparazzi toting their yoga mats around the streets of Manhattan. Certainly, yoga has hit the mainstream and is in the height of fashion in American culture.
今年超模Christy Turlington在时代周刊的封面上展示了一个经典的瑜伽姿势。狗仔队经常捕捉到麦当娜、格温妮丝•帕特罗、和威廉•达福之类的电影明星在曼哈顿岛的街道上提着瑜伽垫的身影。当然,瑜伽已经成为了主流,并且在美国文化中是最流行的。
Yoga made its last Western Hemisphere splash in the '70s. Although yoga was widely popular at the time, it still seemed to be a practice for the more eccentric vegetarians and peace-seekers.
Today you can't escape yoga. It is a standard class in any health club, available at all resorts and spas, and cities such as New York and Los Angeles have about as many yoga studios per block as they do coffee bars. What has made this 6,000-year-old tradition the latest, greatest thing? For starters, it is no longer reserved for the esoteric; it's truly for everyone.