毕业论文《国美电器公司治理的调查分析》, 摘要 股权结构是公司治理机制中最根本的一个因素,它决定了董事会、监事会、高级管理层等组织机构特征的形成。在我国,特殊的经济发展路径形成了大部分公司——无论国有还是民营——股权高度集中的特征,也由此产生了一些严重的公司治理问题,因而公司治理有...

此文档由会员 无语者 发布毕业论文《国美电器公司治理的调查分析》
The stockholder’s structure is a most basic factor of corporate governance in mechanism,which has decided to form the characteristic on board of directors、board of supervisors and high—level management.In China,the special economic development way has formed the high degree of concentration of stockholder's structure in most of China’S listed firms.The characteristic also produced some serious problems in corporate governance,thus the company govemed the valid research to be more important day by day.Based on Private company’S property right structure defined as well as the privately operated economy to our country national economy's importance,this paper governs the valid to gome’s stockholder's rights structure and the company relations to conduct the research,reflects corporate governance dilemma for those family enterprises which are attempting to change into public enterprises,and inspires people to rethink several classical propositions of corporate governance.Being attached in acquaintance society,chained by com-mercial ethics and indulged with relational contract constitute family enterprises’path dependence,which deeply affect their system changes an structure transformation.To overcome family enterprises’corporate governance problems,we need to solve conflict of interest between controlling shareholders and profes-sional managers,and regulate general meetings’authorization.
Key Words:Listed firms from the private sector;Shareholder structure;
Corporate governance
目 录
引言 1
一、股权结构与公司治理的相关概念 2
(一)股权结构相关概念 2
(二)国内外股权结构研究 2
(三)公司治理相关概念 2
(四)国内外公司治理有效性研究 3
(五)股权结构与公司治理有效性研究 5
二、国美电器公司情况介绍 6
(一)公司基本情况介绍 6
(二)国美电器股权结构和股东管理状况 6
三、案例分析 9
(一)公司治理若干经典命题的反思 9
(二)国美公司治理存在的缺陷 11
(三)家族企业走向公众企业的影响因素分析 13
四、对策与建议 14
(一)家族企业走向公众企业过程中的公司治理难题 14
(二)家族企业如何走出“被锁定的均衡”:分析与建议 15
参考文献: 17
致谢 18