

毕业论文《国美电器资本运作的调查分析》,摘 要   资本运作是企业面临的最重要的财务决策之一,是公司成长的主要动因和未来现金流量增长的重要基础,它将直接影响公司的融资决策和股利决策,从而影响公司的经营风险、盈利水平以及资本市场对其经营业绩和发展前景的评价,成为公司财务决策的起点。国美电器是中国家电连锁零售行业的领头企业,...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 无语者 发布


摘 要

   关键词: 国美;资本运作;现金流量   

      Capital operation is the most important financial decision-making , which is one of the key drivers of the company's growth and future cash flows .It will directly affect the company's financing decisions and dividend decisions, thus affecting the company's operating risks, profitability and capital markets for its business performance and development prospects of the assessment. This article is a case study about the Gome, which is the leading company of home electrical appliance retail industry. The CEO of the Gome,Mr. Huang Guangyu is famous for his skill of capital operation. In this paper, theoretical analysis and empirical research method of combining, in defining the concept of Capital operation based on Gome, analysis the whole prosess of Gome capital operation. This part includes the Gome’s history, the financial analysis of the listing company– The Gome Electrical(HK 0493) and the new development of this empire Gome .The main part is the study of the whole process of how does Mr.huang use the capital market to build up the empire of the Gome, which includes home electrical appliance retail, real estate and invest company.At last discuss what does the operation of capital take to the Gome and the challenge which Mr. Huang must come over
Key Words: Gome;Capital Operation ;Cash Flow
目 录

引 言 1
一、资本运作的基本理论 2
(一)资本运作的概念 2
(二)资本运作的特征 3
(三)资本运作的本质 3
(四)资本运作的目的 3
二﹑国美的背景介绍 4
(一)黄光裕与国美发展史 4
(二)国美记事 5
(三)国美的经营模式 6
1.类金融模式 6
2.非主营业务赢利模式 7
三、国美资本运作的分析 7
(一)国美上市融资的分析 7
1.壳公司 8
2.顺利上市 9
3.配售套现 9
(二)国美并购永乐的分析 11
(三)国美曲线速购大中的分析 12
1.第三方公司背景介绍 12
2.通过第三方曲线收购大中 13
3.曲线并购的利弊与缘由 14
四、国美资本运作的启示 14
(一)资本运作的成败 14
(二)国美进行资本运作的效果 15
(三)资本运作和薄利多销是国美成功的秘诀 16
参考文献 18
致 谢 19