

专利诉讼外文翻译----法律和事实在专利诉讼中是形式还是功能,recently, the supreme court sent dennison mfg. v. panduit corp. back to the court of appeals for the federal circuit (cafc). it remanded with explicit direction...
分类: 论文>外文翻译


此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

Recently, the Supreme Court sent Dennison Mfg. v. Panduit Corp. back to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC). It remanded with explicit directions that the lower court consider the extent to which Fed. R. Civ. P. 52(a) governs appellate review of nonobviousness determinations.
On remand, the CAFC should attempt to relate the issue to the scope of review for other issues that arise in patent appeals. Neither the narrow nor the broad problem has ever received the attention it deserves — particularly from the standpoint of the fundamental law/fact dichotomy.
在发回重审时,联邦巡回法院应该尝试在专利上诉时联系它的复审范围。但是无论是狭义还是广义的问题都没有得到它应有的重视——特别是基本的法律/ 事实二分法上的观点。