工程管理专业论文,建筑工程施工项目管理信息化建设的研究 【摘 要】当前建筑行业正处在从传统建筑业向现代化建筑业转型的关键时期,成本控制能力的高低已经成为衡量建筑企业核心竞争力强弱的重要指标,国内建筑行业积极开展了工程项目管理信息化的诸多探索与实践,积累了宝贵的经验,也暴露出了很多问题,如何解决这些问题是非常必要的事情。 ...

此文档由会员 wojiushizba 发布工程管理专业论文
【摘 要】当前建筑行业正处在从传统建筑业向现代化建筑业转型的关键时期,成本控制能力的高低已经成为衡量建筑企业核心竞争力强弱的重要指标,国内建筑行业积极开展了工程项目管理信息化的诸多探索与实践,积累了宝贵的经验,也暴露出了很多问题,如何解决这些问题是非常必要的事情。
Research of construction project management information construction
Abstract:At present, the ability of the cost controlling has already been an important index of judging the level of the core competitive power of the construction enterprises. Cost control of the project and improving the working efficiency are breakthrough of the construction industry. Meanwhile, the popularization and development of information technology offers the important technological approaches to achieve the scientific management. In this context of development, the domestic construction industry is active to carrying out various researching and practicing of the managing informatization in project item which let them accumulate invaluable experience as well as discover many problems. It is worthy of thinking how to consider and solve these issues.
On the basis of the above viewpoints, this thesis initially analyzed the researching background of the managing informatization of the project item and its present situation in domestic and overseas at first; and also discussed the necessity and feasibility of the managing informatization in the project item which are promoted in the construction enterprises.Next, the involving essence and concept of the managing informatization of the project item are illustrated. TThen the content framework of the management information and the systerm eva luation model are establishedAfterwards, the restricted factors which cause the problems in the developing process of the informatization management of the project item are researched and analyzed from the standpoint of the enterprise, system and industry,; in addition, the measures which are promoting the informatization management of the project item are raised in the standpoint of different participants.
Key words:Project item;Informatization Management;Construction;eva luation;Restricted Factor;Measure
目 录
毕业设计(论文)任务书 1
目 录 III
开题报告 1
一、选题背景及意义 2
二、国内外研究动态 4
(一)国外工程管理信息化现状 4
(二)国内工程管理信息化现状 5
三、选题的提出 6
四、论文基本框架及内容 7
五、论文完成的计划与进度安排 8
六、参考文献 8
论文正文 10
(一)研究背景.......................................... ................................................11
(二)研究意义... ................................................................................... ...12
(三)我国建筑企业管理信息化存在的问题........................................ ..13
(三)计算机技术在工程项目管理信息系统应用的一些必要条件...... 22
(一)建筑企业应当采取的措施.............................................................. 22
(二)政府推进信息化建设的措施.......................................................... 25
参考文献 ....................................................................................................................29
核心参考文献原文 31
致谢 .............................................................................................................................38