基于swot分析的公共租赁房reits和bot融资模式比较,基于swot分析的公共租赁房reits与bot融资模式比较 【摘 要】随着经济社会的快速发展,特别是21世纪第一个十年我国房地产业的跨越式发展,商品房价格急速攀升,中低收入家庭的住房问题难度增加。尤其是“夹心层”居民的住房难题破解成为社会性问题。然而公共租赁房融资面临诸多问题,于是有效解决建设融资问题,为公共租赁房...

此文档由会员 wojiushizba 发布基于SWOT分析的公共租赁房REITs与BOT融资模式比较
【摘 要】随着经济社会的快速发展,特别是21世纪第一个十年我国房地产业的跨越式发展,商品房价格急速攀升,中低收入家庭的住房问题难度增加。尤其是“夹心层”居民的住房难题破解成为社会性问题。然而公共租赁房融资面临诸多问题,于是有效解决建设融资问题,为公共租赁房建设提供充足的资金就显得尤为重要。因此,应引进新的融资方式来解决公租房建设资金瓶颈问题,REITs与BOT融资方式的国际经验和做法就值得借鉴与尝试。
SWOT based on the analysis of the public rental housing REITs and BOT financing mode to compare
Abstract:With the rapid economic and social development, especially in the first ten years of the twenty-first Century Chinese real estate industry span type development, commercial housing prices rising rapidly, the housing problems of low-income families to increase the difficulty. Especially the" sandwich class" housing residents to resolve the problem of becoming a social problem. However, public rental housing financing is facing many problems, and effectively solve the problem of financing the construction of public rental housing construction, to provide adequate funding is particularly important. Therefore, we should introduce the new financing way to solve public rental housing construction financing bottleneck problem, REITs and BOT financing mode of the international experience and practice is worth to draw lessons from and try.
The use of strategic analysis of the SWOT analysis, REITs and BOT financing modes are compared, so as to reach two kinds of financing mode applicable scope and countermeasures. This paper is divided into Chinese low-income housing system and the current situation of financing of public rental housing, public rental housing REITs financing pattern SWOT analysis, public rental housing BOT financing pattern SWOT analysis, public rental housing financing mode of Applicability Comparison and countermeasure analysis of part four.
Key words: Public rental housing; financing mode; SWOT analysis REITs; BOT
目 录
毕业设计(论文)任务书 1
目 录 III
开题报告 1
一、选题背景及意义 2
二、国内外研究动态 2
(一)国外工程管理信息化现状 2
(五)本文研究的内容和结构 4
三、选题的提出 6
四、论文基本框架及内容 6
五、论文完成的计划与进度安排 7
六、参考文献 8
论文正文 10
一、中国保障房体系与公共租赁房融资现状 11
(一)中国保障房体系 11
(二)公共租赁房融资现状 12
二、公共租赁房REITs融资模式的SWOT分析 13
(一)REITs融资模式 14
(二)REITs融资模式的SWOT分析 14
三、公共租赁房BOT融资模式的SWOT分析 16
(一)BOT融资模式 16
(二)BOT融资模式的SWOT分析 16
四、公共租赁房融资模式的适用性比较与对策分析 18
(一)公共租赁房融资模式的适用性比较 18
(二)公共租赁房融资模式对策分析 18
参考文献 20
核心参考文献原文 22
致 谢 28