高校数学专业学生对所学专业适应度分析,摘要 关注学生对自己所学专业的适应度,对于激发学生学习积极性,稳定学生学习情绪,保障学生身心健康,促进学生的发展有着重要意义。为了了解当前我国高校数学学生学习现状和存在的问题,采用问卷的形式,对全国多所高校的百余名学生进行了调查。对有效数据采用描述性统计、方差分析、主成分分析,因...

此文档由会员 wojiushizba 发布高校数学专业学生对所学专业适应度分析
研究结果表明:(1)总体而言,大多高校数学学生对所学专业基本适应,但仍有学生有所不适应。(2)不同性别的学生对专业适应度在显著差异。不同学历,不同年龄不同专业的学生不存在显著差异。(3) 影响高校数学学生专业适应度的因素可以归纳为“时间因素”、“利用量因素”、“环境因素”以及“压力因素”。
Focusing on student's fitness of their professional has an important significance. It can arouse their study enthusiasm, stabilize students, ensure their body and mental health as well as promote the development. In order to understand the problems that existing in current mathematics students team, researchers use questionnaire to investigate more than one hundred student. By the way of Descriptive Statistics Analysis, one way ANOVA, Principal component analysis, Factor Analysis, mathematical modeling, this thesis makes a inquire into the current situation and factors which have effect on student's fitness of their professional.
From the study, the researcher can draw the following conclusions: (1)over all most teachers are satisfied with their work, but some teachers still expressed dissatisfaction attitude.(2)there are significant differences in different years of service and different title, but it makes no difference in gender and academic qualification.(3)the reasons that influence satisfaction can be summarized as “teaching age factor” “scientific research factor” “psychological pressure factor” and “members’ relations factor”.
According to the result some suggestions and considerations are putting forward to all aspects that influence teachers’ job satisfaction.
Key words: student's fitness of their professional; one way ANOVA ;Principal component analysis ;Factor Analysis;
高校数学专业学生对所学专业适应度分析 I
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 4
第二章 研究设计 5
2.1研究目的 5
2.2研究对象 5
2.3调查研究表 8
第三章 统计分析方法 9
3.1主成分分析法 9
3.1.1主成分分析法简介 9
3.2因子分析法 10
3.2.1因子分析法简介 10
3.2.2因子分析的数学模型 11
3.2.3因子分析模型中各个量的统计意义 12
3.3.1因子分析的步骤 14
3.2.4因子载荷的确定方法 14
3.2.5因子个数的确定方法 16
3.2.6因子旋转 16
3.3主成分与因子分析两种方法的比较 17
3.4单因素方差分析简介 20
3.4.1单因素方差分析法简介 20
第四章 数据处理 22
4.1数学学生专业适应度状况 22
4.1.1数学学生专业适应度总体状况 22
4.1.2不同性别学生专业适应度分析 23
4.1.3不年龄学生专业适应度分析 25
4.1.3不同专业学生专业适应度分析 26
4.1.4不同学历学生专业适应度分析 27
4.1.4不同压力下学生专业适应度分析 28
4.2主成分分析 29
4.3因子分析 29
4.3.1因子分析适合性检验 29
4.3.2探索性因子分析 30
第五章 结果与建议 34
致谢 35
参考文献 35