土木工程外文翻译,适当有效的建筑材料是限制富有经验的结构工程师成就的主要原因之一。早期的建筑者几乎都只使用木材,石头,砖块和混凝土。 尽管铸铁在修建埃及的金字塔中已被人们使用, 但是把它作为建筑材料却由于大量熔炼它比较困难而被限制。 藉由产业革命,然而,受到把铸铁作为建筑材料和在大量融炼它的能力的两者对其双重需要的影响。john sme...

此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
适当有效的建筑材料是限制富有经验的结构工程师成就的主要原因之一。早期的建筑者几乎都只使用木材,石头,砖块和混凝土。 尽管铸铁在修建埃及的金字塔中已被人们使用, 但是把它作为建筑材料却由于大量熔炼它比较困难而被限制。 藉由产业革命,然而,受到把铸铁作为建筑材料和在大量融炼它的能力的两者对其双重需要的影响。
John Smeaton,一个英国土木工程师, 在十八的世纪中时,是第一广泛地使用铸铁作为建筑材料的。在1841之后,可锻金属被发展成更可靠的材料并且广泛地被应用。尽管可锻金属优于铸铁,但仍有很多结构破坏从而需要有更可靠的材料。钢便是这一需要的答案。1856年的贝色麦转转炉炼钢法和后来发展的马丁平炉炼钢法的发明使以竞争的价格形成了生产建筑用钢并且兴起了建筑用钢在下个百年的快速发展。
钢的最严重缺点是它容易被氧化而需要被油漆或一些其他的适当涂料保护。当钢被用于可能发生火灾环境时, 钢应该包围在一些耐火的材料中, 例如石料或混凝土。通常,钢的组合结构不易被压碎除非是在冶金成分不好,低温的不利组合, 或空间压力存在的情况下。
建筑用铝仍然不广泛被在土木工程结构中用,虽然它的使用正在稳定地增加。藉着铝合金作为一个适当的选择和对其进行热处理,可获得各式各样的强度特性。一些合金所展现的抗压强度特性相似于钢, 除线形弹性模量大约是7,000,000 牛/平方厘米,相当于刚的三分之一。质量轻和耐氧化是铝的两个主要优点。因为它的特性对热处理是非常敏感的,当铆接或焊接铝的时候
The availability of suitable structural materials is one of the principal limitations on the accomplishment of an experienced structural engineer. Early builders depended almost exclusively on wood, stone, brick, and concrete. Although iron had been used by humans at least since the building of the Egyptian pyramids, use of it as a structural material was limited because of the difficulties of smelting it in large quantities. With the industrial revolution, however, came both the need for iron as a structural material and the capability of smelting it in quantity.
John Smeaton, an English civil engineer, was the first to use cast iron extensively as a structural material in the mid-eighteenth century. After 1841, malleable iron was developed as a more reliable material and was widely used. Whereas malleable iron was superior to cast iron, there were still too many structural failures and there was a need for a more reliable material. Steel was the answe
John Smeaton,一个英国土木工程师, 在十八的世纪中时,是第一广泛地使用铸铁作为建筑材料的。在1841之后,可锻金属被发展成更可靠的材料并且广泛地被应用。尽管可锻金属优于铸铁,但仍有很多结构破坏从而需要有更可靠的材料。钢便是这一需要的答案。1856年的贝色麦转转炉炼钢法和后来发展的马丁平炉炼钢法的发明使以竞争的价格形成了生产建筑用钢并且兴起了建筑用钢在下个百年的快速发展。
钢的最严重缺点是它容易被氧化而需要被油漆或一些其他的适当涂料保护。当钢被用于可能发生火灾环境时, 钢应该包围在一些耐火的材料中, 例如石料或混凝土。通常,钢的组合结构不易被压碎除非是在冶金成分不好,低温的不利组合, 或空间压力存在的情况下。
建筑用铝仍然不广泛被在土木工程结构中用,虽然它的使用正在稳定地增加。藉着铝合金作为一个适当的选择和对其进行热处理,可获得各式各样的强度特性。一些合金所展现的抗压强度特性相似于钢, 除线形弹性模量大约是7,000,000 牛/平方厘米,相当于刚的三分之一。质量轻和耐氧化是铝的两个主要优点。因为它的特性对热处理是非常敏感的,当铆接或焊接铝的时候
The availability of suitable structural materials is one of the principal limitations on the accomplishment of an experienced structural engineer. Early builders depended almost exclusively on wood, stone, brick, and concrete. Although iron had been used by humans at least since the building of the Egyptian pyramids, use of it as a structural material was limited because of the difficulties of smelting it in large quantities. With the industrial revolution, however, came both the need for iron as a structural material and the capability of smelting it in quantity.
John Smeaton, an English civil engineer, was the first to use cast iron extensively as a structural material in the mid-eighteenth century. After 1841, malleable iron was developed as a more reliable material and was widely used. Whereas malleable iron was superior to cast iron, there were still too many structural failures and there was a need for a more reliable material. Steel was the answe