外文翻译-----环境新闻,环境新闻有一系列相关涵义,我们可以将它理解为鼓吹性倡导性新闻,或带有目的性的报道,也可以概括地将环境新闻理解为关于环境的新闻。 不同时期环境新闻定义也不相同。环境新闻的内容由传统的环境保护转向现代的和污染相关的内容,由原来只关注地球自然环境或环境危机向关注所有生命健康转变。 关于环境新闻,英语翻译服务 可以从它...
此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
环境新闻有一系列相关涵义,我们可以将它理解为鼓吹性倡导性新闻,或带有目的性的报道,也可以概括地将环境新闻理解为关于环境的新闻。 不同时期环境新闻定义也不相同。环境新闻的内容由传统的环境保护转向现代的和污染相关的内容,由原来只关注地球自然环境或环境危机向关注所有生命健康转变。 关于环境新闻,英语翻译服务 可以从它产生的过程和目的来定义。例如,环境传播资源中心(ecrc)——1996年成立于美国北亚利桑那州(northern arizona)大学的传播学院,将环境新闻定义为:通过各种方式和渠道对受众进行的环境传播。并进一步解释,环境传播是一个过程,这个过程涉及到传播者和受众两个方面,传播过程是通过有效的信息传递、互动交流、公开讨论和辩论来实现的。我们期望这种传播能成为建立人与自然和谐关系的基础,能够成为提高环境承载力和环境可持续发展的方式。 与此不同,学者ward是依据倡导客观性讨论来思考环境新闻的涵义的:“这两个词给我一种矛盾的修饰的感觉。环境新闻?在对新闻行业最富有责任感的记者心中‘新闻’这个名词应当胜过‘环境’这个形容词。环保主义作家,当然可以。环保主义记者?这就不是一个严谨的新闻学定义了。
Environmental journalism is the collection, verification, production, distribution and exhibition of information regarding current events, trends, issues and people that are associated with the non-human world with which humans necessarily interact. To be an environmental journalist, one must have an understanding of scientific language and practice, knowledge of historical environmental events, the ability to keep abreast of environmental policy decisions and the work of environmental organizations, a general understanding of current environmental concerns, and the ability to communicate all of that information to the public in such a way that it can be easily understood, despite its complexity.
Environmental journalism falls within the scope of environmental communication, and its roots can be traced to nature writing. One key controversy in environmental journalism is a continuing disagreement over how to distinguish it from its allied genres and disciplines.
While the practice of nature writing has a rich history that dates back
Environmental journalism is the collection, verification, production, distribution and exhibition of information regarding current events, trends, issues and people that are associated with the non-human world with which humans necessarily interact. To be an environmental journalist, one must have an understanding of scientific language and practice, knowledge of historical environmental events, the ability to keep abreast of environmental policy decisions and the work of environmental organizations, a general understanding of current environmental concerns, and the ability to communicate all of that information to the public in such a way that it can be easily understood, despite its complexity.
Environmental journalism falls within the scope of environmental communication, and its roots can be traced to nature writing. One key controversy in environmental journalism is a continuing disagreement over how to distinguish it from its allied genres and disciplines.
While the practice of nature writing has a rich history that dates back