量子加密及其应用,页数 39字数 26707摘要在现代社会,不管是日常生活、商业运营,以及军事作战指挥,加密技术越发凸显其重要性。由于计算机技术以及网络技术的快速发展,大量的信息需要通过网络传输,这给目前常用的加密技术带来了新的挑战,量子计算机可以轻易的破译以往认为非常难以破译的加密,所以发展新的加密技术就显得格外重要,...

此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布
页数 39 字数 26707
摘 要
关键词: RSA,DES,AES,椭圆算法,量子密码,测不准原理,EPR 关联,量子纠缠.
In the modern society, no matter the daily life,commerce run, and the military affairs fight and command, its importance that the encryption is even more prominent. Because of the fast development of the technology of the computer and network technology, a large amount of information needs transmitting through the network, the decoding easily think the encryption very difficult to decode in the past after this has brought new challenge to present commonly used encryption, quantum computer can, seems extremely important so develop the new encryption, quantum encrypts arising at the historic moment under the background of fact that like this. The quantum encryption skill based on physical principle of quantum has already been proved it is the effective means that the key distributes safely in the secret communication. This text passes the simple introduction to present popular encryption, and carry on comparison with the quantum encryption, draw the quantum encryption correctly. Setting-up reviewing the quantum theory in the article is developed, has introduced the basic principle of the quantum encryption emphatically , Having probed into several kinds of schemes of realizing the quantum encryption, and the key distributes the application that the mechanism and quantum encrypted in reality, summarized its extant question and development prospect in the future finally.
Keyword: RSA. DES. AES. Ellipse Algorithm. quantum cryptography.
uncertainty principle. EPR pair. quantum entanglement.
中英文摘要 1
第一章 引言 5
第二章 常用加密技术与量子加密 7
2.1常用加密技术简介 7
2.1.1 公开密钥算法 7
2.1.2 对称算法 8
2.2量子加密技术简介 9
2.3 量子加密技术与常用加密技术的简单比较 9
2.3.1 三种常用加密技术 9
2.3.2 安全性 10
2.3.3 可实现性 10
2.3.4 实用性 11
2.3.5 常用新型加密技术性能的定量比较 11
2.3.6 小结 12
第三章 量子加密原理 13
3.1 量子的发现及量子理论的建立 13
3.2 量子加密原理 14
3.2.1 物理原理 14
3.2.2 保密原理 15
3.2.3 安全性分析 16
3.3 量子加密协议及实现原理 17
3.3.1 BB84量子密钥分配协议 17
3.3.2 BB84量子密钥发布方案。 18
3.2.3 B91量子密钥分配协议 20
3.2.4 B92量子密钥分配协议 20
第四章 量子加密技术的应用 22
4.1 基于量子加密的网络通信 22
4.1.1 经典通信加密系统 22
4.1.2 量子密码通信技术的原理 24
4.1.3 量子密码通信的未来方向 26
4.2 基于再生密钥的量子安全通信方案 27
4.2.1伪随机数发生器的选择 28
4.2.2 RQSC方案的操作流程 28
4.2.3 RQSC 的安全性和可用性 30
4.3.2 多节点网络环境下量子密钥生成 33
4.4 小结 36
第五章 量子加密的现状及发展 37
5.1 量子加密现状 37
5.2 量子加密发展 39
第六章 结束语 41
参考文献 42
[1 ] 张镇九等. 物理. 第29 卷, 第9 期, 560 - 564(2000)
[2 ] 张镇九. 计算机工程. 25 ,1 - 2 (1999)
[3 ] 田建波.孙晓蓉.王育民.保密通信技术与发展动态.第三期,1-2(1998)
[4 ]Berman GP ,Doolen GD ,Mainieri R & TsifrinovichVI , Introduction to Quantum Computers , World Scientific ,Singapore ,1 - 187(1998)
[5 ] Y. Hakamura ,YU. A. Pashkin & J . S. Tsai ,Nature ,398 ,786(1999)
页数 39 字数 26707
摘 要
关键词: RSA,DES,AES,椭圆算法,量子密码,测不准原理,EPR 关联,量子纠缠.
In the modern society, no matter the daily life,commerce run, and the military affairs fight and command, its importance that the encryption is even more prominent. Because of the fast development of the technology of the computer and network technology, a large amount of information needs transmitting through the network, the decoding easily think the encryption very difficult to decode in the past after this has brought new challenge to present commonly used encryption, quantum computer can, seems extremely important so develop the new encryption, quantum encrypts arising at the historic moment under the background of fact that like this. The quantum encryption skill based on physical principle of quantum has already been proved it is the effective means that the key distributes safely in the secret communication. This text passes the simple introduction to present popular encryption, and carry on comparison with the quantum encryption, draw the quantum encryption correctly. Setting-up reviewing the quantum theory in the article is developed, has introduced the basic principle of the quantum encryption emphatically , Having probed into several kinds of schemes of realizing the quantum encryption, and the key distributes the application that the mechanism and quantum encrypted in reality, summarized its extant question and development prospect in the future finally.
Keyword: RSA. DES. AES. Ellipse Algorithm. quantum cryptography.
uncertainty principle. EPR pair. quantum entanglement.
中英文摘要 1
第一章 引言 5
第二章 常用加密技术与量子加密 7
2.1常用加密技术简介 7
2.1.1 公开密钥算法 7
2.1.2 对称算法 8
2.2量子加密技术简介 9
2.3 量子加密技术与常用加密技术的简单比较 9
2.3.1 三种常用加密技术 9
2.3.2 安全性 10
2.3.3 可实现性 10
2.3.4 实用性 11
2.3.5 常用新型加密技术性能的定量比较 11
2.3.6 小结 12
第三章 量子加密原理 13
3.1 量子的发现及量子理论的建立 13
3.2 量子加密原理 14
3.2.1 物理原理 14
3.2.2 保密原理 15
3.2.3 安全性分析 16
3.3 量子加密协议及实现原理 17
3.3.1 BB84量子密钥分配协议 17
3.3.2 BB84量子密钥发布方案。 18
3.2.3 B91量子密钥分配协议 20
3.2.4 B92量子密钥分配协议 20
第四章 量子加密技术的应用 22
4.1 基于量子加密的网络通信 22
4.1.1 经典通信加密系统 22
4.1.2 量子密码通信技术的原理 24
4.1.3 量子密码通信的未来方向 26
4.2 基于再生密钥的量子安全通信方案 27
4.2.1伪随机数发生器的选择 28
4.2.2 RQSC方案的操作流程 28
4.2.3 RQSC 的安全性和可用性 30
4.3.2 多节点网络环境下量子密钥生成 33
4.4 小结 36
第五章 量子加密的现状及发展 37
5.1 量子加密现状 37
5.2 量子加密发展 39
第六章 结束语 41
参考文献 42
[1 ] 张镇九等. 物理. 第29 卷, 第9 期, 560 - 564(2000)
[2 ] 张镇九. 计算机工程. 25 ,1 - 2 (1999)
[3 ] 田建波.孙晓蓉.王育民.保密通信技术与发展动态.第三期,1-2(1998)
[4 ]Berman GP ,Doolen GD ,Mainieri R & TsifrinovichVI , Introduction to Quantum Computers , World Scientific ,Singapore ,1 - 187(1998)
[5 ] Y. Hakamura ,YU. A. Pashkin & J . S. Tsai ,Nature ,398 ,786(1999)