平乐县农产品出口的问题及对策毕业论文,摘 要 近年来,随着国内生产力水平的提高和对外开放政策的日益成熟,中国农产品进口贸易额都一直处于稳定增长状态。农产品出口贸易对带动农村就业、增加农民收入、优化农业产业结构、提高农产品国际竞争力、提升相关产业发展水平发挥着重要作用。平乐县作为广西东北部大开发的前沿,典型城乡统筹试点...

此文档由会员 1521008524 发布平乐县农产品出口的问题及对策毕业论文
摘 要
The Problems and Solutions of PingLe Agricultural Products Export Trade
Abstract:In recent years, with the domestic policy to raise the level of productivity and the opening up of the increasingly mature, the amount of import trade of agricultural products in China have been in steady growth state. The export trade of agricultural products to promote rural employment, increasing the income of farmers, and optimize the industrial structure of agriculture, to improve the international competitiveness of agricultural products, plays an important role in raising the level of the development of related industries. Pingle County in Northeast Guangxi development, the typical urban and rural pilot area, in this context, analysis of the agricultural product export trade Pingle County problems, to the further development of the export trade of agricultural products in Pingle County, enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products, promote the agricultural structure adjustment and upgrade, solve the "three rural issues", is of great significance.
Key word:Pingle County; agricultural products; export; countermeasure
目 次
摘要 II
Abstract III
引言 V
一、农产品出口原理 7
(一)农产品定义 7
二、平乐县农产品出口现状 7
(一)农产品出口的总量分析 7
(二)农产品出口的种类分析 8
(三) 出口市场结构分析 8
(四)农产品生产及加工的企业概况 9
三、平乐县农产品出口面临的问题 9
(一)国际市场方面 9
(二)出口不畅的内部原因 10
三、促进平乐农产品出口贸易的对策与建议 11
(一)提高农民素质,加强技术培训,加快新型农民培养 11
(二)加大农产品宣传力度,提高农产品的无形价值,拓展销售渠道 12
(三)发展农业加工业 12
(四)跨越贸易壁垒的相关对策 12
(五)逐步提高科技含量,建设农产品科技园 12
四、结论 13
致谢 14
参考文献 15