汽车号牌识别系统设计,首先要说的本论文里面的效果是嘎嘎的!!摘要随着二十一世纪到来,经济快速发展和人们生活水平显著提高,汽车逐渐成为家庭的主要交通工具。汽车的产量快速增多,车辆流动也变得越来越频繁,因此给交通带来了严重问题,如交通堵塞、交通事故等,智能交通系统(intelligent transportation sys...

此文档由会员 违规15 发布
随着二十一世纪到来,经济快速发展和人们生活水平显著提高,汽车逐渐成为家庭的主要交通工具。汽车的产量快速增多,车辆流动也变得越来越频繁,因此给交通带来了严重问题,如交通堵塞、交通事故等,智能交通系统(Intelligent Transportation System)的产生就是为了从根本上解决交通问题。在智能交通系统中车牌识别技术占有重要位置,车牌识别技术的推广普及必将对加强道路管理、城市交通事故、违章停车、处理车辆被盗案件、保障社会稳定等方面产生重大而深远的影响。
该设计主要研究基于MATLAB软件的汽车号牌设别系统设计,系统主要包括图像采集、图像预处理、车牌定位、字符分割、字符识别五大核心部分。系统的图像预处理模块是将图像经过图像灰度化、图像增强、边缘提取、二值化等操作,转换成便于车牌定位的二值化图像;利用车牌的边缘、形状等特征,再结合Roberts 算子边缘检测、数字图像、形态学等技术对车牌进行定位;字符的分割采用的方法是将二值化后的车牌部分进行寻找连续有文字的块,若长度大于设定的阈值则切割,从而完成字符的分割;字符识别运用模板匹配算法完成。以上每个功能模块用MATLAB软件实现,最后识别出车牌,在研究设计的同时对其中出现的问题进行具体分析、处理,并寻求更优的方法。
Car number plate recognition system design
Compyter science and technology professional 2009 Cenli
Instructor Liuzhixian
With the arrival of the twenty-first century, the rapid economic development and people's living standards have markedly improved, the car gradually become the main means of transport for the family. Rapid increase in production of motor vehicles, vehicular movement has become increasingly frequent, and therefore poses a serious problem to the traffic, such as traffic congestion, traffic accidents, the generation of the Intelligent Transportation System (Intelligent Transportation System) In order to fundamentally solve the problem of traffic problem. License plate recognition technology in the intelligent transportation system occupies an important position, a significant and far-reaching impact on the promotion of universal license plate recognition technology is bound to strengthen road management, urban traffic accidents, illegal parking, and deal with the theft of the vehicle, and safeguard social stability.
The design study based on MATLAB software car number plate set five core part of the design of other systems, the system mainly includes image acquisition, image preprocessing, license plate location, character segmentation, character recognition. The image pre-processing module of the system is the image gray image, image enhancement, edge detection, binarization operation, convert to facilitate the binary image of the license plate location; license plate edge, shape and other characteristics, combined with Roberts character segmentation method is used the plate after the binarization part Find the continuous text block, if the length is greater than the set threshold value, cutting operator the sub edge detection, digital image, morphology, such as technical positioning of the plate; thus completing the segmentation of the characters; completion of the use of character recognition template matching algorithm. Each functional module using MATLAB software, the final identification of the license plate, specific analysis of the issues that may arise in the study design, processing, and to seek a better method.
Keyword: MATLAB,License plate recognition,Character recognition,Image processing
1.概述 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 汽车号牌识别原理 1
1.3 论文架构 1
1.4 MTATLAB简介 2
1.4.1概述MATLAB 2
1.4.2 MATLAB语言特点 2
2.需求分析 4
2.1车牌识别系统国内外研究现状 4
2.2车牌识别难点 5
2.3系统功能描述 6
2.4可行性分析 6
2.5运行环境分析 7
2.5.1系统硬件分析 7
2.5.2系统软件分析 7
3.概要设计 9
3.1总体设计 9
3.2总体功能模块 9
3.3 运行设计 10
4.详细设计 11
4.1 图像采集 11
4.2 图像预处理 11
4.2.1图像灰度化 12
4.2.2图像增强 13
4.2.3 Roberts边缘检测 14
4.3 车牌定位与分割 15
4.3.1车牌定位 15
4.3.2车牌分割 19
4.3.3车牌进一步处理 20
4.4 字符分割和归一化 21
4.4.1字符分割 21
4.4.2字符归一化 22
4.5 字符识别 22
5.汽车号牌识别系统实现与分析 25
5.1系统实现 25
5.2系统分析 28
6.总结 30
7.致谢 31
8.参考文献 32
附录:程序清单 34
随着二十一世纪到来,经济快速发展和人们生活水平显著提高,汽车逐渐成为家庭的主要交通工具。汽车的产量快速增多,车辆流动也变得越来越频繁,因此给交通带来了严重问题,如交通堵塞、交通事故等,智能交通系统(Intelligent Transportation System)的产生就是为了从根本上解决交通问题。在智能交通系统中车牌识别技术占有重要位置,车牌识别技术的推广普及必将对加强道路管理、城市交通事故、违章停车、处理车辆被盗案件、保障社会稳定等方面产生重大而深远的影响。
该设计主要研究基于MATLAB软件的汽车号牌设别系统设计,系统主要包括图像采集、图像预处理、车牌定位、字符分割、字符识别五大核心部分。系统的图像预处理模块是将图像经过图像灰度化、图像增强、边缘提取、二值化等操作,转换成便于车牌定位的二值化图像;利用车牌的边缘、形状等特征,再结合Roberts 算子边缘检测、数字图像、形态学等技术对车牌进行定位;字符的分割采用的方法是将二值化后的车牌部分进行寻找连续有文字的块,若长度大于设定的阈值则切割,从而完成字符的分割;字符识别运用模板匹配算法完成。以上每个功能模块用MATLAB软件实现,最后识别出车牌,在研究设计的同时对其中出现的问题进行具体分析、处理,并寻求更优的方法。
Car number plate recognition system design
Compyter science and technology professional 2009 Cenli
Instructor Liuzhixian
With the arrival of the twenty-first century, the rapid economic development and people's living standards have markedly improved, the car gradually become the main means of transport for the family. Rapid increase in production of motor vehicles, vehicular movement has become increasingly frequent, and therefore poses a serious problem to the traffic, such as traffic congestion, traffic accidents, the generation of the Intelligent Transportation System (Intelligent Transportation System) In order to fundamentally solve the problem of traffic problem. License plate recognition technology in the intelligent transportation system occupies an important position, a significant and far-reaching impact on the promotion of universal license plate recognition technology is bound to strengthen road management, urban traffic accidents, illegal parking, and deal with the theft of the vehicle, and safeguard social stability.
The design study based on MATLAB software car number plate set five core part of the design of other systems, the system mainly includes image acquisition, image preprocessing, license plate location, character segmentation, character recognition. The image pre-processing module of the system is the image gray image, image enhancement, edge detection, binarization operation, convert to facilitate the binary image of the license plate location; license plate edge, shape and other characteristics, combined with Roberts character segmentation method is used the plate after the binarization part Find the continuous text block, if the length is greater than the set threshold value, cutting operator the sub edge detection, digital image, morphology, such as technical positioning of the plate; thus completing the segmentation of the characters; completion of the use of character recognition template matching algorithm. Each functional module using MATLAB software, the final identification of the license plate, specific analysis of the issues that may arise in the study design, processing, and to seek a better method.
Keyword: MATLAB,License plate recognition,Character recognition,Image processing
1.概述 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 汽车号牌识别原理 1
1.3 论文架构 1
1.4 MTATLAB简介 2
1.4.1概述MATLAB 2
1.4.2 MATLAB语言特点 2
2.需求分析 4
2.1车牌识别系统国内外研究现状 4
2.2车牌识别难点 5
2.3系统功能描述 6
2.4可行性分析 6
2.5运行环境分析 7
2.5.1系统硬件分析 7
2.5.2系统软件分析 7
3.概要设计 9
3.1总体设计 9
3.2总体功能模块 9
3.3 运行设计 10
4.详细设计 11
4.1 图像采集 11
4.2 图像预处理 11
4.2.1图像灰度化 12
4.2.2图像增强 13
4.2.3 Roberts边缘检测 14
4.3 车牌定位与分割 15
4.3.1车牌定位 15
4.3.2车牌分割 19
4.3.3车牌进一步处理 20
4.4 字符分割和归一化 21
4.4.1字符分割 21
4.4.2字符归一化 22
4.5 字符识别 22
5.汽车号牌识别系统实现与分析 25
5.1系统实现 25
5.2系统分析 28
6.总结 30
7.致谢 31
8.参考文献 32
附录:程序清单 34