
此文档由会员 wanlitengfei 发布摘要
关键词 隧道;新奥法;围岩压力
Along with progress unremittingly of science and technology, the modern tunnel computes from the structure regardless, or all compare to is before from the construction methods bigger leap.This design topic for the highway tunnel, what to pay attention to is a structure calculation, the point research the New Austrian Tunneling Method start construction.
The highway tunnel the nearer year is in high grade highway the application is extensively.Because it can use to do to overcome the geography or high distance obstacles in the mountain range region, the improvement line form, raise the car soon, shorten the mileage, economize the fuel, save time, reduce to the breakage of plant the quilt, the protection ecosystem environment;Can also use to do to overcome the rockslide, landslide, avalanche, snow an etc. endanger.Can reduce in the city with the ground, the composing flyover, solve the crossroad oscular and crowded jam, appease the transportation, environmental protection, raise the social comprehensive performance.At river's river, straits, the bay region, don't affect the water road navigation.
The New Austrian Tunneling Method start construction the main characteristics of the tunnel is:Pass various measurement meanses, after folio dig the tunnel rounds the rock to carry on the dynamic state monitor, and with this design and the construction that knows that the tunnel pays to protect the structure.Its core purpose is for the sake of" the protection rounds the rock, transfer and develop to round the rock of from accept the ability".
Key Words tunnel; New Austrian Tunneling Method; Round the rock pressure
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.1.1 隧道及其分类 1
1.1.2 隧道的作用及其优点 1
1.1.3 隧道工程及其发展 1
1.1.4 新奥法施工 2
1.2 目的和意义 2
第2章 设计要求 4
2.1 技术要求 4
2.1.1 主要技术标准 4
2.1.2 材料 5
2.1.3 设计规范 5
2.2 设计基本资料 5
第3章 初步设计 6
3.1 围岩分类 6
3.2 隧道平面布置 6
3.2.1 隧道平面布置方案比选 6
3.2.2 隧道平面线形 7
3.2.3 隧道纵坡 7
3.3 隧道净空断面 7
第4章 结构内力计算 9
4.1 荷载确定 9
4.1.1 计算垂直均布压力: 9
4.1.2 划分浅埋和深埋隧道的分界: 9
4.2 衬砌几何要素 11
4.2.1 衬砌几何尺寸 11
4.2.2 半拱轴线长度及分段轴长 12
4.2.3 各分块接缝(截面)中心几何要素 12
4.3 计算位移 13
4.3.1 单位位移 13
4.3.2 主动荷载引起的位移 15
4.3.3 单位弹性抗力及相应的摩擦力引起的位移 24
4.3.4 墙底(弹性地基上的刚性梁)位移 33
4.4 解力法方程 33
4.5 主动荷载及被动荷载()产生的衬砌内力 36
4.6 最大抗力值的求解 38
4.7 计算衬砌总内力 40
4.8 衬砌截面强度验、检算 44
第5章 衬砌结构及附属设施 45
5.1 衬砌结构方案 45
5.1.1 明洞 45
5.1.2 暗洞衬砌结构 45
5.1.3 衬砌支护参数 46
5.1.4 二次衬砌 48
5.2 洞门 48
5.3 隧道防排水 49
5.3.1 防水工程 49
5.3.2 排水工程 49
5.4 隧道通风 50
5.4.1 确定通风方式 50
5.4.2 计算参数 51
5.4.3 计算新风量 51
5.4.4 确定风机组数 52
5.5 保温工程 53
5.6 洞内横通道 53
5.7 紧急停车带 54
5.8 洞内检修道、设备洞室 54
5.9 洞内路面 54
5.9.1 正线隧道路面 54
5.9.2 汽车横通道路面 55
5.9.3 人行横通道路面 55
5.10 内装与防噪设施 55
5.11 隧道消防系统 55
5.12 隧道照明 55
第6章 施工方案 58
结论 60
致谢 61
参考文献 62
附录 1 63
附录 2 66